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System Default Themes

13 files

  1. I reused a couple of assets from others' themes to create this one.  
    Thanks to others for sharing their work.
    Box Art 435 x 450
    Cart Art 240 x 199

  2. Theme Super Nintendo MSU1 (Default)(16:9)
    Tamaño Artwork3 (CD): 300x300
    Tamaño Artwork4: (3DBox):    230x570
  3. Game theme Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Default )(16:9)(USA)
  4. Game theme Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Default )(16:9)(PAL)
  5. I've re-uploaded the theme to suit 3 different boxart packs available including the newer PAL 3d boxart by NailbombRP and SwedishGojira. See Version notes for details.
    This is a modified version of the theme that comes with SupraKarma 's Ultimate SNES pack (now 2.0). No idea the original creator of that theme.
    I've modified it for the PAL version of the SNES. 
    I've also downloaded the PAL cart pack and as i've done with my Mega Drive theme, renamed the artwork to suit the North American lists. As I mentioned with my Mega Drive 2 theme, it's a bigger undertaking than you would expect given there are quite a few titles renamed for Euro release and vice versa. Let me know if that is something that interests you and I can take the hard work out of it for you. I recognise it's not a pure or perfect solution. As with the MD theme i've kept a list of which games are renamed for Euro release with the intention of perhaps editing both names into the xml for display purposes at some point.
    You will want the box art from suprakarma's pack as it fits the theme video and I imagine it would look strange if it wasn't just right.
    Suprakarma informed me that 'REAL 3D SNES Box' he made with Kondorito contains PAL box art although I'm yet to check it out or verify the box art is the correct size for the theme. I'll be implementing that eventually when I get time and i'll update the theme to suit, but let me know if you give it a try. The video positioning was slightly out on this pack, I've updated the theme. If you want to use the original box art work from version 1.0, I left the theme up as 'default orig'. 
    As with the original theme the video comes in over the box art after a few seconds. As I recall, the cart art should not need resizing. I've included my cart art here as it does need resizing I believe, at least the few North American carts will if not the rest. You can find the original PAL cart art pack here. Not sure who to credit that to but thanks!
    The cart pack I've now included has been renamed to suit the North American preferenced xml found in SupraKarma's pack. So if you are using a Euro first xml, download the original pack I've linked above from emu movies and size the carts as necessary with fotosizer to 275*192. There might be a few missing as I'm yet to update my xml to his latest version.
    Boxart is Artwork 1 folder, Cart art is Artwork 3.
    As usual here is the Game text settings that go in your 'Super Nintendo Entertainment System.ini' in the 'settings' folder of your Hyperspin directory. Replace with the below if you desire the text as in the image above. My themes don't leave space for special art, so i'll leave that up to you if you want to edit it. You may want to adjust text size to your liking as a few of the long titles are cropped off the screen, not much can be done about that.
    [Game Text]
    Edit - Here's the packs that accompany this theme.
  6. Super Nintendo Entertainment System  (Default) theme,oldroom variant
  7. Default Tema do sistema Super Nintendo Classic Edition (16:9)
  8. This is my own mockup for the Super Nintendo.
    Incudes the red pointer which goes in the others folder with the Super Nintendo media folder.
  9. My 16:9 version of  Super Nintendo Entertainment System default Theme and artworks   (Box e Cartridges).
  10. Super Nintendo -System Default (16:9ST)
  11. Super Nintendo Entertainment System System Default Themes.
    Artwork 4 for box art
  12. Default theme for the Super Nintendo. For the cart art to show, place the artwork in the Artwork4 folder.
    Video Snap available at EmuMovies
  13. Super Nintendo System Default (4:3)

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