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3 Screenshots

About This File

This is the Second version of my PSP Default System Theme.


It includes the art work pre-setup for 238 games
You might have to rename a few (Mainly the Japanese only games)


Make sure to copy everything including the .ini file in the settings folder
If you don't the clock and game info will not show up, and the wheel won't be set up right.


If you add games make sure to scale them to the same size as the ones included.


The images for Artwork2 and Artwork3 is taken form the first folder inside the PSP game's ISO

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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