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About This File

You're scrolling through your awesome Sega Genesis collection in HyperSpin you spent many an hour scouring the internet to amass, and you stop on a game. Which one is it? Why, it's Spider-Man (World) (Sega). The box art that you downloaded clearly says "Sega." But the description above the game reads "Recreational Brainware." Recreational... Brainware?!? Who.... tf is that?

So you scroll through some more games. John Madden Football. Everyone knows that's an EA Game... right? WRONG. The description says Park Place Productions.

At that moment, did you feel like throwing a shoe at your TV screen? Did you get the urge to go through and fix the database to by hand, and fix every single entry, so that the name in the box is the name that appears in the description? No... that was just me, you say? Well, I did in fact change the database by hand, and it sucked. You're welcome.

This database is not as accurate as my 'Gamecube' database thread that I started. I resorted to using the Wikipedia database, (because I didn't want to spend 3 days on this like I did with GC) which actually turned out to be decent. I randomly checked games, and occasionally found mistakes. But what I have here is far more accurate than what I started with. To be quite frank, the original didn't even get the developer right half the time.

Putting together a database is a lot of work. Tedious, mind numbing, unpleasant work. Props to whoever made the original Official Sega Genesis database. It must have taken days, and any mistakes made are certainly forgivable. I certainly do not claim that what I am offering here is without error. But at the same time, I feel overwhelmingly compelled to express my opinion that nobody cares about the developer. The name on the box is what people remember. The *publisher* should be the standard for the manufacturer field in the database.

If you agree, hit that like button after you're done downloading it. If I get enough support, I'll share more of them.

What's New in Version 1.2.0


I went through every single game in the HyperSpin wheel to make sure the games matched the box art. Some games were iffy (e.g. Had more than one logo, no logo, or otherwise difficult to determine who the actual publisher was).

However, I am now confident that the publisher is 98% accurate, vs. the 75% accuracy of the developer that was used in the old database.

If (and only if) someone expresses an interest in having both the developer and the publisher listed, like I tried to do with the GameCube database, for Rocketlauncher fades for example (I'm not entirely sure if that will even work to be honest because no current 'official' database even has both), I will start a thread, and others can contribute, and we can make a 'developer' field. I personally don't care, but everything I contribute is with likeminded, motivated contributors in mind, and I'd gladly pitch in.


Other changes: Miracle Piano is not an adventure game. Changed to 'Educational' genre. I'm now concerned about the quality of the 'genre' field as well but I'm burnt out on database work at the moment and want to move on to something else.

Other notes I forgot to include in the initial post:

1. When I was hunting down translation patches, I came across "Battle Mania Daiginjou - Trouble Shooter Vintage". That is the alternate version of the patch for "Battle Mania Daiginjou". The person that made the patches stated that each version was worth a playthrough, so, with that in mind, I added it as a new game to the database.

2. Surging Aura (Japan) (Translated Fr) was an unacceptable entry in the original database. I speak French about as well as I speak Japanese, and I'm not going to put the time and effort into hunting down the correct ROM with the correct CRC to work with the correct patch, just so I can play a game that *still* won't be able to understand.

...ok, so maybe I actually did do all that, and the patch didn't work properly, so I got frustrated, and just changed it back to Japanese. :)

Either way, if it isn't an English translation, it's pointless and just creates more work for someone trying to put together a collection.

New in 1.20 -

Changed "Sages Creation" to "Sage's Creation," and other minor fixes.


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