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About This File


HyperSpin v0.1.8 for Android

This is an unofficial version of HyperSpin for Android able to launch all modern versions of RetroArch.
Support topic: https://hyperspin-fe.com/forums/topic/42774-modified-hyperspin-apk-for-retroarch-works-with-all-modern-versions/

File Information:


MD5: 4692846e4fe9a90bd0da3a6cd9f10ed3

SHA512: 2f5db6b625983c189b9f82c574bf48781921780825a38ceaf9c1094bd113545f9abdd06c5b4ac8707093e3e2ac0fc1185b9bc939f30f5ee830a41689c68e5b21

How to configure your Settings_Android ini files:

Main APK from RetroArch's website and Google Play Store Version:


RetroArch's website 32bit version:


RetroArch's website 64bit version and RetroArch Plus:


Have fun!


  1. Can I mix and match multiple RetroArch distributions?
    Yes, you just need to set different exe values for different systems.
    For instance, you can use the 64bit version of RA + Dolphin core for GameCube games (Nintendo GameCube.ini):

    And the 32bit version of RA + MAME Core (MAME.ini):


  2. Will it load separate configuration files for 32bit and 64bit versions?
    Yes, it will always load the default configuration file for each version.
    Default configuration files are in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/[package name]/files/retroarch.cfg
    For example:



  3. Can I make Hyperspin launch my own custom compiled version of RetroArch?
    Yes. As long as the package name starts with com.retroarch everything should work.

  4. Can I configure HyperSpin to load retroarch.cfg from a custom location?
    Not for now. I find that I can accomplish what I want with the default config file + settings overrides.
    If you have a specific use case that would benefit from this feature comment bellow and I'll see what I can do.

  5. How was this implemented?
    I reversed engineered the original Google Store APK using Apktool and JEB.
    You can find the two lines of code that I've modified bellow. You can use APK Studio to verify my changes.



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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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