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Game Theme of Охота (Elektronika Handheld)(MAME)

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Thank you for all your hard work! These are excellent.

I was working on this as well. I'm attaching all 22 that I found.  Maybe that can help your project.




these are gorgeous Thank you hoscaroh 



Thanks a lot Hoscarconh, another great work ! I miss your complete packs.

Floatingyeti, do you intend to create a setup for this system ?

I don't know if the bezels and layouts for mame are existing, I couldn't find them.



I was planning to but I'm going to put this system on hold and wait to see what Hoscarconh comes up with.  I think he will do a better job. The existing mame artwork for Game and Watch can be altered to fit this set. Hoscarcohn already made a main theme and a database can be made from the files i uploaded in the first comment.



Thanks for your answer ! 

I don't want to talk in the name of Hoscarconh but I am not sure if he is proposing clompete systems anymore. The other day I tried to access his youtube channel and it was not available.

Maybe he had to close it or he was fed up to see his work used and sold by others without being credited. It would certainly not be the first time a content creator quits because of that.



hola saludos. gracias por sus comentarios,

quiero aclarar que mi canal en youtube fue dado de baja, esto por que hace un tiempo fui victima de robo de informacion de mi pc.

publicaron material indebido en el canal, y fue cerrado por google.

con respecto a este sistema. lo tengo armada hace un tiempo, la semana pasada me anime a completar los themes, y los comparti con quien guste de tener un sistema bootleg en su rueda.

estoy pensando en abrir otro canal o compartir en instagram, o si me recomiendan otra plataforma donde pueda llegar a mas personas.

la idea es compartir el trabajo y lo que nos gusta.



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Hola Hoscarconh !

Thanks a lot for your answer.

It is sad to hear that google closed your youtube page, you did such a fantastic job the years before. I think that you inspired many people to keep working on hyperspin complete packages at a time where the activity was quite low.

I don't know the social networks very well myself but instagram seems to be a good choice. You would be limited to pictures instead of showcase videos though.

Concerning the Elektronika Handheld system, do you think you could share it here or elsewhere if you have finished the complete system ? That would be a nice addition to our hyperspin wheels. Your themes are so beautiful !!

Google automatic translation:

¡Hola Hoscarconh! Muchas gracias por tu respuesta. Es triste saber que Google cerró tu página de YouTube, hiciste un trabajo fantástico los años anteriores. Creo que inspiraste a muchas personas a seguir trabajando en paquetes completos de hyperspin en un momento en que la actividad era bastante baja. No conozco muy bien las social networks, pero Instagram parece ser una buena opción. Sin embargo, estaría limitado a imágenes en lugar de videos de exhibición. Con respecto al sistema portátil Elektronika Handheld, ¿cree que podría compartirlo aquí o en otro lugar si ha terminado el sistema completo? Esa sería una buena adición a nuestras ruedas hiperspin. Tus temas son tan hermosos!!




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