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I wasn't in the right mindset to make a setup today until I found this old (unreleased?) pc with literally one (partially working) game.

This is the kind of obscure system I like to work on!

I abbreviated the system name but if you want accuracy its: Mindset Corporation Mindset Personal Computer

But that's just silly.

Damn, did this suck!

I was going to make a proper theme for the single game but I only got as far as the logo from the boxart.

I hope the autoload save state works for everybody.

I was able to correct the screen position (Bios will not save settings) but it actually drifts during gameplay.

Yes, it takes that long to load!

No, you can't make a save state later!

Put this crap next to the Konix Multisystem.

Aspect Ratio

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Thanks a lot !

An other one of these systems I never heard about. You must be spending a lot of time through the Mame change logs to find them :)

There are so many obscure systems emulated by Mame that I didn't knew what to do with, and you are making them come alive, that's just so cool !


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You're welcome!

I'm trying to create a fun reason for people to keep checking the forum/uploads.

What obscure and ridiculous system will Floatingyeti upload today?

You will have to keep checking to find out.

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Well, I like your mindset ! (...Yes I know you used this joke already)

I also like the fact that you don't hesitate to propose systems with only a few games or even only one, sometimes poorly working.

Better that than nothing.


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YES! Finally, someone truly understands me!

A Floatingyeti upload:  Better than nothing 😁





It was not said to diminish your work !! 😅

Your systems are awesome, especially considering the lack of quality graphics on the net or the lack in quality emulation. 

The solutions you find and your mastery of Retroarch and Mame are impressive to me.

I just meant that probably nobody else had bother until now to make those complete packages for those obscure systems, which is a shame as they are emulated and part of the computing and videogames history. You are right in the Mame devs philosophy: emulate and preserve everything that runs with a chipset.

So anyway, please keep it up !



I really enjoyed your "better than nothing" comment.

It made me laugh but seriously that is the mentality I have.

I work on systems that maybe only have one blury image online and sometimes there isn't even audio in the games.

When I start a project, I start with almost nothing and try to make it better.

And yes, using MAME in RetroArch can accomplish so much. I learned a lot of my techniques by accident. I wish I could say I found information online but there is only hate for mame_libretro. People think it's garage and very limited but I have solved many of the problems mame users have been complaining about.




I used to avoid mame_libretro too, not because I was taking side in the debate but because I thought it was too difficult to setup and integrate in rocketlauncher.

You prove me wrong and the savestate feature alone is a revolution for the systems where you have to type in the commands and load the tapes. It's a drag to setup thé first time if there are many roms but then it's a breeze.

And the mega bezels makes retroarch such a desirable option now.

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