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  • Announcement

    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.

1 Screenshot

About This File

Small tool to replace hypermarquee for displaying mp4, png or jpg marquee files. You can select multiple dirs with marquee files ( current limit is 3 but can be changed ), static or animated. Mp4 is first, if not found any static image that matches the rom name will be used. If no rom marquee can be found, a fallback option for the system marquee is there.



It spawns a monitor process so when the main marquee script is killed, it also kills mpc-hc.

Dir\Main Menu\SystemName.mp4

Source included.

If video is not looping or the images are not stretched, just open mpc-hc and enable it, closing will save the settings:
Play -> Repeat -> Foreever + file
View -> Video Frame -> Stretch to window

I am running it through EDS, a screenshot for settings is included.

What's New in Version 1.0.1


Added intro video support ( check the EDS screenshot for proper settings, for some reason in attract mode, HS sends eventid 5 having EDS kill the script )
Fixed some naming options

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  • Please Read

    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to keep it available for the forseeable future.

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