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Main Menu Broken, Single Mode Draws Game Titles On Top of Themselves


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I recently installed HyperSpin on a new computer, and am having some odd issues.


In Multi mode, selecting anything from the main menu just loads the main menu again.


Selecting Single Mode (I'm only using MAME,) All the games show up correctly, but the game titles keep drawing over the previous ones, and then HyperSpin gets really slow.


Also, exiting Hyperspin just freezes it.


I've looked around and can't seem to find anyone else with this issue. Any idea what could be happening?


had this prob before. I had to change something in HQ. I think it had to do with Roms only checked or unchecked, or parents only checked. look in the hyperspin HQ

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So, I've tried playing with those setting to no avail.


I have come to find that the exit menu is working, but is invisible, so it looks like Hyperspin is freezing when you press esc.


Any combination of "Roms Only" and "Parents Only" being checked/unchecked leads to the same overlay issue.


Edit: Also, pressing right (which normally cycles through the games alphabetically) brings up a blank wheel which then can't be escaped from.


For reference, this is what is happening to the game titles:



If your going to use the "Roms Only" filter you MUST fil in the Rom path and extension for that system otherwise in Single mode you will get Multi Mode as HYperSpin won't know where to look for your Roms you are trying to filter.


Alternatively use an xml that matches your Rom set.






Having none of them checked puts me in the MAME menu, but still has the title overlay/lag issue, plus the pause screen being invisible.


Do you have a screen shot of that?



Sorry, I kind of had a barrage of edits there. I can get into Single mode just fine now, I was having that issue because I had "Wheels Only" checked. There is a screenshot of what is happening posted above.


So your only using mame but your screen shows Playstation. Have you tried turning off some of the special art which may not work with that theme?



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