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zsnes not exiting with esc (already mapped Quick Exit key)


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Hello! I hope you can help me. I configured zsnes so that the esc key will exit the emulator, as the ahk file says (editing the configuration file), and it works when I run the emulator outside hyperspin. But when I run it from hyperspin it doesn't work at all. Curiously, when I map the quickexit button to a different key (for example, q) it works when running with hyperspin.


My other systems exit correctly with esc (downloaded them pre-configured).


Thank you!




Be sure the emulator exit setting is set to esc too. Also use an alternative exit key maybe 5 and 1 at the same time. Many emulators require you to use the alternative exit key since esc doesn't always play nice within the emulator



Thanks for responding. I think I already did what you said: escape is the exit button I set in zsnes, and it does exit the emulator when I run it without hyperspin. It is when I run it through hyperspin when it doesn't work. And it only seems to be a problem with escape, if I set "q" as the exit key it will exit both when running through hyperspin and when running alone.


Ok, I tried disabling Hyperlaunch and it doesn't begin with the game I selected, but escape will kill the emulator. Hyperlaunch seems to be doing something that blocks escape. Reason I want escape to be the exit is that I'm doing this for an arcade cabinet, so to have only one key to exit all emulators.


I would still change the exit key to something else, As stated Esc doesnt always play within an emulator, i use comma as my exit key because it isnt likely to be used for anything else and then map all the emulators with this key!


Works well in my Cab! :thumbsup:


Here is my ahk file for zsnes:

; Super Nintendo
; Znesw 1.51
; by Shateredsoul
; 1.1
;Make sure you set quickexit to your escape key while in ZSNES.
;If you want to use Esc as your quick exit key, open zsnesw.cfg 
;with a text editor and find the lines below. Set KeyQuickExit 
;to 1, as shown below. You can't set the quick exit key to 
;escape while in the emulator, because that's the exit key to 
;configuring keys. 
;Quit ZSNES / Load Menu / Reset Game / Panic Key

Run, %Executable% "%romPath%%romName%%romExtension%", %EmuPath%,
Process, WaitClose, %executable%


I would still change the exit key to something else, As stated Esc doesnt always play within an emulator, i use comma as my exit key because it isnt likely to be used for anything else and then map all the emulators with this key!


Works well in my Cab! :thumbsup:


That's what I was thinking too, just setup any generic key. If you say it works for almost any emulator, I guess it's fine, but it still bugs me that nobody seems to have the same problem I have. Everyone has problems launching the emu, or not knowing how to setup escape as the exit key. Thanks!


I struggled with esc in zsnes if I remember correctly. I think it was mapped somewhere else hidden deep and it took me ages to sort it.

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Now I got it! I can make emulators exit with any key I want by using the following ahk script at the end (example is for Fusion which doesn't have any exit key setting) to set "q" as exit (alt+f4):

; Sega Genesis
; Fusion 3.64
; by BBB
; 1.0
; Don't forget to setup your bios or you might just get a black screen.


params = -auto -gen -fullscreen

Run, %Executable% %params% "%romPath%%romName%%romExtension%", %EmuPath%, Hide

Process, WaitClose, %Executable%

send !{f4}


Ahk is great for all sorts of things, it's used through out my setup for various tasks. Before getting into hs I'd never even heard of ahk :)

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk




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