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Newbie Help Requested


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Hi All,


First off, this community is just great.  I have been doing Mame related stuff for years and just gave HS a try.  Love it and love the helpfulness I have seen.  Here are my questions.  While I have been doing Mame stuff for a while I have only ever played off MameUI and this is a whole new level.  Here are my questions...

1.  I have a complete .151 set.  But in reality I just want about 100-150 games.  I have done my homework and have the ROM names.  I know I can remove everything ... but ... I just got all of my artwork setup on the full set.  How do I prune down my Rom and not scramble HS.  Or will it scramble HS?

2. Forgot...no clue.





To trim it down you could

1. delete all the roms you don't want

2. Create an XML database that only has the roms you want in it (the others won't show in Hyperspin)

3. This is what I would do. Only put add the wheel art for the games you actually want. Then in HyperHQ put in the path to your roms and select the "Wheels Only" filtering option.

Only roms with wheel art will show in Hyperspin.

Hope that helps. You now owe me $100.37.


Can't the new HS boot straight to a favorites list? The best part of hyperspin is just randomly selecting an arcade game to play. Sure you get lots of junk but when you find a gem like Eyes or Shark Attack or whatever you never knew about that you like it's all so worth it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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