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Games launched directly from MAME look different when launched thru Hyperspin


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I'm so new at this, I'm not even sure I'm posting this correctly. If not, I apologize in advance. I've tried to find an answer to this problem elsewhere, but haven't had any luck, and am hoping someone here can help point me in the right direction. I've followed several guides, and managed to get Hyperspin to launch and play the games I have previously been playing thru the command line version of MAME (version .161). However, I recently made some changes to the mame.ini file to more accurately represent the older CRT monitors on my LCD monitor (i.e. Scan lines, curved edges, etc). I will use spy hunter as an example: when launched directly thru MAME, the screen edges are curved, there are scan lines and the controls show up at the bottom edge of the screen like the original game. When I launch thru Hyperspin, the edges are squared off, there are no scan lines and the controls along the bottom disappear. Similar issues with my other games, pac-man, frogger, galaga, etc.. How is Hyperspin overriding my mame.ini settings. Any and all help would be much appreciated, I love Hyperspin, I'm just really frustrated at this point.


Firstly welcome to the forum.


I don't think it HS causing the problem more likely it's RocketLauncher which sends command line instructions to mame that will be different to what you may have set in Mame.


You'll need to fire up RLUI and edit the global module settings so that you use the settings that give you the desired effect.


This is my most recent guide which should help.




Thanks so much for the kind welcome. It's good to know I managed my first post successfully. What you are saying makes perfect sense since RL is the actual launcher. I'll take a look at your guide and see if I can find the global module settings. Thanks again for the help.


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