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Hyperspin Vertical MAME machine "scrunching" issue when returning to hyperspin


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Hello all. I resolved 95% of my hyperspin issues except this one. I can live with it. but was wondering if anyone knew why this was happening. It worked fine on XP 64 with crtemudriver but this is exact same machine as setup as I has before with XP 64 but now im using windows 7 and windows 7 crtemudriver.

Pictures will explain better than I can.

Hyperspin launches on bootup and is full screen. then I launch a game. any game. then when hyperspin "comes back" its squished and stays like this until machine is rebooted. Hyperspin shows normally with about 3 inches of desktop showing behind it as seen in last picture (picture hyperspinvert3.jpg). any ideas?

in order.


edit: it re-ordered my pictures when I uploaded.

picture 1 shows the menu "scruntched" "smushed"

picture 2 shows mame game correct.

picture 3 shows the hyperspin menu correct on bootup





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