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Getting PSX games (BIN & CUE in folders) to show up in HyperSpin


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Hi Guys,


I recently started moving my PSX BIN and CUE files into appropriately titled folders to clean up my Playstation ROM directory a bit... the weird thing is that HyperSpin doesn't seem to be going into the sub folders to find the games, while RocketLauncher works just fine.


What are other people doing? I'd hate to move everything back, or even worse edit all the CUE files to add in folders.


Any ideas?




Hyperspin 1.3 has a bug, it will not find your cue/bin files if they are in sub folders.

I asked and i think this  bug was fixed with 1.4. I never tested to see if it worked since I don't have a need for hyeprspin to find any of my roms


Since you are using Rocketlauncher,  Their is no need for hyperspin to find any roms.

the only reason you need Hypespin to find your roms is if you are using the rom filters.


if you are not filtering your games don't bother adding the rom paths in HyperHQ  (problem solved)

if you have wheels for all your games,  use the Wheel Filter option instead of the rom only filter.

This is how I filter all my systems except arcade systems.


I'm running 1.4b15, so maybe the bug is still present.


You bring up a good point, though, in that I'm not running a whole game set and am indeed using a custom XML... so there's no reason why I couldn't turn ROM filtering off. Thanks for that!


Even with search subfolders enabled?




But like @32assassin mentioned, I could just turn off filtering. Which I did, and it's working again. Wouldn't work for someone without a trimmed XML, though.


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