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Getting games to launch such as chaosheat


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Hello all,

So from mame I can easily launch chaosheat. The problem with RocketLauncher is that the name it expects is slightly different (chaoshea vs chaosheat). The folder is named chaoshea, whereas the chd is named chaosheat. I have tried all the different combinations of names, in order for RocketLauncher to successfully find the chd, however it seems like mame needs a specific name in order to actually launch and play the game. (chaoshea/chaosheat.chd).

Have any of you got around this? Happens with a few other games as well.


Sounds like you are using the newest xml for mame with an older romset. Or vice versa. Make sure you are using the same xml romset combination. This is one system they should definitely have several xml's available for it.

Just gets updated far too often to keep up with for me. I am still running a .155 romset... if you happen to be running that, I can share my xml.

Sent from my SGH-I467M using Tapatalk


I Think you need to set skip checks to rom only in RocketLauncerUI under Settings - Main settings.

I'll try this when I get back from work!


I Think you need to set skip checks to rom only in RocketLauncerUI under Settings - Main settings.


That seemed to fix it! Thanks! I set it to Rom Only!


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