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Setup eXoDOS.bat anyone?


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got stuck setting up msdos system.

i downloaded the exodos roms but the setup files inside are for meagre.

where can i get the bat file that makes all the dirs and conf files?


I did thats why im asking for the setup bat file.

I'll take a look at my setup. Might take a couple days as I'm away from home atm.

MAME High Score Tutorial For HyperSpin    :alberteinstein:


Belowis the contents of the "Setup eXoDOS.bat" file


@echo off
rd dosbox /s /q
rd scummvm /s /q
del .\util\!NEVRLCK.exe
del .\util\!RAWCOPY.exe
del .\util\BRC32.exe
del .\util\choice.exe
del .\util\dosbox.zip
del .\util\FBZip.bin
del .\util\FBZip.exe
del .\util\meagre.zip
del .\util\ssr.exe
del .\util\scummvm.zip
.\util\unzip -o .\util\util.zip -d .\util
.\util\unzip -o .\util\skins.zip
.\util\unzip -o .\util\meagre.zip
.\util\unzip -o .\util\scummvm.zip
.\util\unzip -o .\util\dosbox.zip 
del .\util\meagre.zip
del .\util\dosbox.zip
del .\util\scummvm.zip

copy .\util\unzip.exe .\games\unzip.exe
cd games
rd !dos /s /q
if exist gamesadv.zip unzip -o gamesadv.zip
if exist gamesrpg.zip unzip -o gamesrpg.zip
if exist gamesstr.zip unzip -o gamesstr.zip
if exist gamessim.zip unzip -o gamessim.zip
if exist gamesact.zip unzip -o gamesact.zip
rem if exist gameswin.zip unzip -o gameswin.zip
del unzip.exe
cd ..

echo Would you like to enable Aspect Correction for all game??
echo (Note - You will be able to choose this for each game individually if you run
echo the install twice from the menu)
echo This is useful for widescreen monitors which cause stretching or distortion,
echo although this also changes the output mode of dosbox from 'surface' to
echo 'overlay', as surface does not support aspect correction.
echo In the event this causes problems, or you wish to revert, please re-run this
echo setup file, and choose No.  
.\util\choice /C:YN /N (Y)es or (N)o

If errorlevel = 2 goto aspect2
If errorlevel = 1 goto aspect

copy .\util\ssr.exe .\games\!dos\ssr.exe
echo Please be patient, this may take a few minutes.
@cd games
@cd !dos
for /F %%a in ('dir /A:D /B') DO (
if exist .\%%a\dosbox.conf ssr 0 aspect=false aspect=true ".\%%a\dosbox.conf" 
if exist .\%%a\dosbox.conf ssr 0 output=surface output=overlay ".\%%a\dosbox.conf" 
@del ssr.exe
cd ..
cd ..
goto adult

copy .\util\ssr.exe .\games\!dos\ssr.exe
echo Please be patient, this may take a few minutes.
@cd games
@cd !dos
for /F %%a in ('dir /A:D /B') DO (
if exist .\%%a\dosbox.conf ssr 0 aspect=true aspect=false ".\%%a\dosbox.conf" 
if exist .\%%a\dosbox.conf ssr 0 output=overlay output=surface ".\%%a\dosbox.conf" 
del ssr.exe
cd ..
cd ..
goto adult

echo Would you like to keep the Adult Games?
.\util\choice.exe /C:YN /N (Y)es or (N)o

If errorlevel = 2 goto remadult
If errorlevel = 1 goto ini

cd games
cd !dos
rd /s /q dreamweb
rd /s /q dreamwbc
rd /s /q drivein
rd /s /q emanuel
rd /s /q farmdaut
rd /s /q fascinat
rd /s /q freebush
rd /s /q fuck1
rd /s /q fuck2
rd /s /q geisha
rd /s /q gquest
rd /s /q granny
rd /s /q JoGuest
rd /s /q LSL1
rd /s /q LSL1VGA
rd /s /q LSL2
rd /s /q LSL3
rd /s /q LSL5
rd /s /q LSL6CD
rd /s /q LSL7DOS
rd /s /q menough
rd /s /q orionc
rd /s /q planlust
rd /s /q psychicd
rd /s /q purptit
rd /s /q qfg45
rd /s /q rexneb
rd /s /q sexolym
rd /s /q vixens
rd /s /q seassaku
rd /s /q softporn
rd /s /q susan
rd /s /q Teresa
rd /s /q 3sis
rd /s /q vida
rd /s /q voy1
rd /s /q VOYEURII
rd /s /q xtrek
rd /s /q cobmiss
rd /s /q kxentar
rd /s /q madpara
rd /s /q girlcost
rd /s /q 15move
rd /s /q 5x
rd /s /q centsqr
rd /s /q coversp
rd /s /q dimecity
rd /s /q logo
rd /s /q phjigsaw
rd /s /q phnumb
rd /s /q pornpipe
rd /s /q Playhous
rd /s /q Porntris
rd /s /q Sextris
rd /s /q SokoSex
rd /s /q SPoker+
rd /s /q SPoker2
rd /s /q SPoker3
rd /s /q SPokrPro
rd /s /q SPokrPrb
rd /s /q Spoker
rd /s /q TeenageQ
rd /s /q XRock90
rd /s /q adultfil
rd /s /q beertriv
rd /s /q biing!se
rd /s /q drruthsc
rd /s /q simusex
rd /s /q softprn2
rd /s /q viz
rd /s /q bombx
rd /s /q Astrotit
rd /s /q BarneySp
rd /s /q ButtSlam
rd /s /q cuntlet
rd /s /q DanDolme
rd /s /q duke38d
rd /s /q imcumb
rd /s /q MarbleCo
rd /s /q MetalLac
rd /s /q rodger
rd /s /q UncoverI
rd /s /q SuperPan
rd /s /q SeXoniX
rd /s /q ANightWi
rd /s /q AweChas
rd /s /q BadBad
rd /s /q ChicksDi
rd /s /q MadamFif
rd /s /q YoungStu
rd /s /q WUZ
rd /s /q PornoAdv
rd /s /q runcity
rd /s /q yumemi
rd /s /q Fant88
rd /s /q gunblaze
rd /s /q blangel
rd /s /q Mozaik93
rd /s /q PHStri88
rd /s /q SexyDroi
cd ..
cd ..



@echo off >MEAGRE.INI
echo [Main] >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Width=1280 >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Height=720 >>MEAGRE.INI
echo DOSBoxPath=%REPLACE%\dosbox\DOSBox.exe >>MEAGRE.INI
echo ScummVMPath=%REPLACE%\scummvm\scummvm.exe >>MEAGRE.INI
echo BGColor=clGray >>MEAGRE.INI
echo LastSelectedGame=1 >>MEAGRE.INI
echo RememberLastSelected=1 >>MEAGRE.INI
echo [Fields] >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Number= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Name= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Folder= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Subfolder= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Genre= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo SubGenre= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo SubGenre2= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Publisher= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Developer= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Year= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Executable= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo DBConf/ScummID= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Emulator= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Setup= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Front01= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Back01= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Media01= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Title01= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Screen01= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Manual= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Platform= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Designer= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Designer2= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Series= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Series2= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Extra1= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo ExtraLink1= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Extra2= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo ExtraLink2= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Extra3= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo ExtraLink3= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Extra4= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo ExtraLink4= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo Extra5= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo ExtraLink5= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo About= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo [Subfolders] >>MEAGRE.INI
echo !win3x= >>MEAGRE.INI
echo !dos= >>MEAGRE.INI

MAME High Score Tutorial For HyperSpin    :alberteinstein:


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