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Newbie needs help


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Hi guys

Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I recently bought a cabinet and some Roms to get me started and I fear I have completely miffed it up. I tried to put Roms in the right places and it all seemed to be going swimmingly until I tried the Genesis and master system games and I have no sound, then the n64 games throw up a weird black box and makes the screen look funny and appears to crash, the Super Nintendo and famicom come up with path errors and exe errors and the rest of the Nintendo family have the same problems

Have I really broken it badly?

On the bright side mame works perfectly!!

Thanks if anyone can suggest a place to start to put this mess right


Welcome to the forums Ribbsy. The community actually frowns upon the purchase of preconfigured hard drives. Basically, the seller is making a profit on all the artwork the people of this community have submitted to the site for free. Moreover, preconfigured drives are very often outdated and not always compatible with your system. It would be impossible for us to help you without knowing exactly what is on the drive.

What we usually recommend is that you keep the contents of the drive ( games, artwork, etc.), and start a completely new hyperspin build using those assets you already have.

Trust me, it will save time and energy over trying to reverse engineer the setup you've already got. I recommend this video by simplyaustin to help you get started:

It's really not difficult once you know the basics.

Again, welcome to the forums and happy hyperspinning!


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