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No intro rom set renaming to match xml file


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I tried to rename a c64 no intro romset in order to match them with the boxart pack but dons renaming tool doesent worked. It dosent recognized any rom.


Welcome to the forum ObiWan.


You use your Jedi powers why did not? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.


If you can try to find a HyperSpin ready set from your local torrent site.


Are you renaming the zip or the extracted Roms? 



i wanted to rename the zip files, but in the meantime i changed to the good set. i thought that the xml files are based on no intro.


They are based on no-intro.

Don's tools usually opens the zips, if you just want to rename the zip files you need to change the extension to something other than zip or rar, eg .htc. Then run it again, once they are all renamed change the extension back again.



Try this

ren *.(current extension name) *.(extension you want)


So your's would be 

ren *.zip *.htc


Run that from the command window in the folder with the Roms. Hold Shift down and right click in empty space and select "Open Command window here" 



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