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Módulo fixado para o Project64 v1.6.1 feito por djvj v2.0




E aí pessoal?

Criei esse tópico para postar o módulo moficado por mim para o Project64 v1.6.1 criado por djvj v2.0...

Esse emulador dá problema na abertura de roms em sistemas Windows do Brasil, como também dá problema pra quem usa o Esc para sair do emulador/HyperLaunch.

Nesse módulo a seguir se resolve estes dois problemas. É só copiar o código no arquivo Project64 (v1.6.1 djvj 2.0).ahk que está na pasta HyperLaunch\Modules\Project64.

(Lembrando que é sempre recomendável fazer um backup dos seus arquivos antes de serem modificados!)

MEmu = Project64
MEmuV =  v1.6.1
MURL = http://www.pj64-emu.com/
MAuthor = djvj
MVersion = 2.0
iCRC = 93F5376F
MID = 635038268917505226
MSystem := "Nintendo 64"
; Notes:
; Make sure you apply the 1.6.1 patch found here: http://www.jabosoft.com/index.php?articleid=114
; It applies many of the v1.7 updates but keeps the stability of the v1.6 emu
; CLI loading doesn't work, script opens roms manually
; Set SelectGameMode if you have any problems with the emu opening the game
; Run the emu manually and hit Ctrl+T to enter Settings. On the Options tab, check "On loading a ROM, go to full screen"
; Also enable CPU 
; If roms don't start automatically, enabled advanced settings, reopen Settings window, go to the Advanced tab and check "Start Emulation when rom is opened?"
; I like to turn off the Rom Browser by going to Settings->Rom Selection and uncheck "Use Rom Browser" (advanced settings needs to be on to see this tab)
; If you use Esc as you/r exit key, it seems to crash the emu because it also takes the emu out of fullscree,n and it need to be closed in Task Manager. It doesn't happen if you leave fullscreen first
; Project64 stores its config in the registry @ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JaboSoft\Project64 DLL
; and also @ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\N64 Emulation

settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)				;	Controls if emu launches fullscreen or windowed
FullscreenMethod := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "FullscreenMethod","reg",,1)		; reg = registry, hotkey = alt+enter. Windows 8 does not seem to work with the registry method as the key is not even there to change, Use hotkey if reg doesn't set fullscreen for you.
HideLoading := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "HideLoading","false",,1)		;	This speeds up loading roms but can cause some PCs to get stuck at the Open Rom window or cause HS to flicker through. Disable it if you have this issue
SelectGameMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "SelectGameMode","1",,1)	;	1 = Uses a loop to detect the Edit Box has the romname and path in it. This doesn't work on all PCs, so if you get stuck at the open rom window, use mode 2. 2 = Uses a simple Ctrl+v to paste the romname and path, then press Enter to load the game.
ControlDelay := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "ControlDelay","20",,1)		;	Raise this if the module is getting stuck somewhere
KeyDelay := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "KeyDelay","-1",,1)				;	Raise this if the module is getting stuck using SelectGameMode 2
MDebug := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "MDebug","false",,1)						; Set to true to get some MDebug tooltips to help with debugging problems with loading

SetControlDelay, %ControlDelay%
SetKeyDelay, %KeyDelay%

7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

; Setting Fullscreen setting in registry if it doesn't match what user wants above
currentFullScreen := ReadReg("On open rom go full screen")
If ( Fullscreen != "true" And currentFullScreen = 1 )
WriteReg("On open rom go full screen", 0)
Else If ( Fullscreen = "true" And currentFullScreen = 0 )
WriteReg("On open rom go full screen", 1)

Run(executable, emuPath) ;, Hide

;This fully ensures dialogs are completely hidden even faster than winwait
If HideLoading = true
SetTimer, WaitForDialogEmu, 2

If MDebug = true
ToolTip, Waiting for "ahk_class Project64 Version 1.6" to appear
WinWait("ahk_class Project64 Version 1.6")
If MDebug = true
ToolTip, Waiting for "ahk_class Project64 Version 1.6" to become active
WinWaitActive("ahk_class Project64 Version 1.6")
Send, ^o ; Open Rom

;This fully ensures dialogs are completely hidden even faster than winwait
If HideLoading = true
SetTimer, WaitForDialog, 2

If MDebug = true
ToolTip, Waiting for "Abrir ahk_class #32770" to appear
WinWait("Abrir ahk_class #32770")
If MDebug = true
ToolTip, Waiting for "Abrir ahk_class #32770" to become active
WinWaitActive("Abrir ahk_class #32770")

If ( SelectGameMode = 1 ) {
Loop {
	ControlGetText, edit1Text, Edit1, Abrir ahk_class #32770
	If ( edit1Text = romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension )
	If MDebug = true
		WinGetActiveTitle, currentActiveWin
		ToolTip, Active Window: %currentActiveWin%`nCurrent Edit1 Text: %edit1Text%
	Sleep, 100
	ControlSetText, Edit1, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, Abrir ahk_class #32770
ControlSend, Button1, {Enter}, Abrir ahk_class #32770 ; Select Open
} Else If ( SelectGameMode = 2 ) {
Clipboard := romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension
Send, ^v{Enter}
} Else
ScriptError("You did not choose a valid SelectGameMode.`nOpen the module and set the mode at the top.")

If MDebug = true
ToolTip, Waiting for "ahk_class Project64 Version 1.6" to become active again after loading rom
WinWaitActive("ahk_class Project64 Version 1.6")

; Sleep, 4000 ; giving time for emu to load rom so Hyperspin doesn't pop into view

ControlGetPos, x, y, w, h, msctls_statusbar321, ahk_class Project64 Version 1.6
Loop {
	Sleep, 200
	If Fullscreen = true ; looping until 1964 is done loading rom and it goes fullscreen. The x position will change then, which is when this loop will break.
		ControlGetPos, x2, y2, w2, h2, msctls_statusbar321, ahk_class Project64 Version 1.6
	Else {	; looping until Project64 is done loading rom and it starts showing frames if in windowed mode, then this loop will break.
		StatusBarGetText, cText, 2, ahk_class Project64 Version 1.6	; get text of statusbar which shows emulation stats
		StringSplit, cTextAr, cText, .:	; split text to find the FPS which will update constantly as emulation is active
		If cTextAr2 > 0	; Break out when FPS is greater then 0
	If MDebug = true
		ToolTip, Waiting for "Project64 Version 1.6" to go fullscreen or to start showing frames if using windowed mode after loading rom`nWhen x does not equal x2 (in windowed mode)`, script will continue:`nx=%x%`nx2=%x2%`ny=%y%`ny2=%y2%`nw=%w%`nw2=%w2%`nh=%h%`nh2=%h2%`nStatus Bar Text: %cText%`nLoop #: %A_Index%`nVideo `%: %cTextAr2%
	If ( x != x2 or A_Index >= 30) { ; x changes when emu goes fullscreen, so we will break here and destroy the GUI. Break out if loop goes on too long, something is wrong then.
		If A_Index >= 30
			Log(MEmu . " had a problem detecting when it was done loading the rom. Please try different options inside the module to find what is compatible with your system.")

If HideLoading = true
SetTimer, WaitForDialogEmu, Off
SetTimer, WaitForDialog, Off
Gosub, RestoreWindow

If (Fullscreen = "true" && FullscreenMethod = "hotkey") {
Sleep, 2000	; required otherwise keys get sent too early
Send, !{Enter}

If MDebug = true
ToolTip	; turn off tooltips

Process("WaitClose", executable)

ReadReg(var1) {
	RegRead, regValue, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\N64 Emulation\Project64 Version 1.6, %var1%
	Return %regValue%

WriteReg(var1, var2) {
	RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\N64 Emulation\Project64 Version 1.6, %var1%, %var2%

IfWinNotExist, ahk_class Project64 Version 1.6
	WinSet, Transparent, 0, ahk_class Project64 Version 1.6
IfWinNotExist, Abrir ahk_class #32770
	WinSet, Transparent, 0, Abrir ahk_class #32770
IfWinNotExist, Project64
	WinSet, Transparent, Off, Project64

ControlSend, ,{Esc}, ahk_class %EmulatorClass%
Winrestore, ahk_class %EmulatorClass%
Send, !{Enter}
Sleep, 500

	IfInString, exitEmulatorKey, Esc
		Send, !{Enter}
		Sleep, 500
	WinClose("ahk_class Project64 Version 1.6")

Gostaram? Agradeçam!:D

6 answers to this question

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Não vi problema nenhum nesse módulo uso o Djvj mesmo e aqui abri os jogos e fecham normalmente, uso o Windows 8 64bits em português e não tive problemas com isso.


VC tem que abrir o HLHQ. Ir em Modules, selecionar o Modulo do project 64, e ir num icone pequeno chamado edit global module settings.

Dentro da tela que abre você vai ver as opções do modulo. Uma delas ajusta a linguagem do modulo. Modifica ela pra spanish/portuguese.


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