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Dreamcast Demul hide with GUI


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Hi everybody, 


I have a script in Hyperlaunch for Dreamcast that works pretty fine (without what is in bolf) but if I add the GUI (I want to hide the launching of the emulator),

Emulator is not hiding, 


He launchs the black screen, 

move the cursor to select System and game

then...launchs the emulator.



IniWrite, %romPath%%romname%%RomExtension%, %emupath%gdrImage.ini, Main, imagefilename
sleep, 250
Run, %emupath%%executable% ;-run=dreamcast -rom=%Romname%
sleep, 500
Click 20, 40
Click 20, 60
Process, WaitClose, %executable%
WinActivate, HyperSpin
Process, Close, %Executable%
It should to do as follow:

Launch the black screen, 

Launch the emulator.

move the cursor to select System and game

move the cursor out of screen


Proble is that the cursor doens't point anymore on demul but on the GUI screen.


Has someone an idea ?


Thanks and regards, 


I have the same problem. Loading screen shown, then the emulator GUI stays and top. no fullscreen, even if it is set up in the emulator. i use RL too.


Ah... i found out. Just setup "Stretch" in the Video Config. Then it boots in fullscreen.

Have you checked out if the resolution is compatible with your monitor?




No problem to get fullscreen with Demul.

Just want to hide the launching of the emulator with a black screen.

But Script works not in the good order I ask to.

It doesn't launch the emulator after the black screen.

It launch it when all moves with the cursor are done...


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