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PS4 Remote play


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Hi all,


Looking for a bit of help, Got the new PS4 app up and running to stream games from PS4, Its all running in hyper/rocketlauncher.

But my issues is, When the app launches i have to press start on the app manually for it to start, if there something i could do/use for this to be done auto while the app is hid in the background till the app is loaded and i see the PS4 stream?




Search on the web and learn the basics of Autohotkey to do a script that does what you want.

Usually, it is really simple to do something like that.


After testing your script and making sure that it presses the start for your app you just need to make sure that the script will be run when you enter the game.


There are 3 ways for doing that:


If you are using the pclauncher module, just use a PreLaunch script.

If you created your own Playstation 4 module, add the commands to press the start to the module itself. 

If you are using any other module, just use the user functions for running your script.


There are many posts around about how to do that both here and on the RocketLauncher site. Just search for them.


If you need more help, create a post on the RocketLauncher forum and we will try to help you through the script creation even without having a playstation 4 around.  :bawling:

If only we had money for a PS4.  :wallbash:

We could do that for you in a instant. 

When asking for help for RocketLauncher, POST ON THE RLAUNCHER.NET FORUMS!

Also, please post your RocketLauncher.log with logging level set to troubleshooting in pastebin (set the log level in RocketLauncherUI, global system > General Settings -> RocketLauncher).

Ass. Bleasby - RocketLauncher Development Team.


Search on the web and learn the basics of Autohotkey to do a script that does what you want.

Usually, it is really simple to do something like that.


After testing your script and making sure that it presses the start for your app you just need to make sure that the script will be run when you enter the game.


There are 3 ways for doing that:


If you are using the pclauncher module, just use a PreLaunch script.

If you created your own Playstation 4 module, add the commands to press the start to the module itself. 

If you are using any other module, just use the user functions for running your script.


There are many posts around about how to do that both here and on the RocketLauncher site. Just search for them.


If you need more help, create a post on the RocketLauncher forum and we will try to help you through the script creation even without having a playstation 4 around.  :bawling:

If only we had money for a PS4.  :wallbash:

We could do that for you in a instant. 


Great thanks, Got a script working. Please with myself :D

Will head over to RL if i get stuck with getting pclauncher.


...OMG this is genius. I am going to have to set this up for both the new PS4 app and the Xbox app. If we can figure out a solid solution to do this with PS3/X360/Wii U I will have literally every mainstream console setup via Hyperspin lol. (EDIT: Except PS VITA!... Dang...)

I know I once plugged the X360 into the Xbox's video IN port and went to the Xbox One's TV page. Then with a controller connected to the X360 I was able to stream those games to my Laptop.


Hi all,


Looking for a bit of help, Got the new PS4 app up and running to stream games from PS4, Its all running in hyper/rocketlauncher.

But my issues is, When the app launches i have to press start on the app manually for it to start, if there something i could do/use for this to be done auto while the app is hid in the background till the app is loaded and i see the PS4 stream?



This sounds really cool. I'd love to see a video.


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