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How to set up ScummVM in HS ?


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I second this request and also add a questions? Can you play the game "The Dig" using this emulator??


No one has it set up in their cab? I know someone had a theme, But I forget who it was, Please Share your theme with us! PLEASE!!!


I'm working on making themes for all of them. I've only got about 30 down of the 95 ScummVM games I have (not really interested in the Blue's Clues ones, sorry). When I finish them up I'll post the whole lot with the config file and the videos I've been making for each game.

I'm working on making themes for all of them. I've only got about 30 down of the 95 ScummVM games I have (not really interested in the Blue's Clues ones, sorry). When I finish them up I'll post the whole lot with the config file and the videos I've been making for each game.

Thas Great!! How long do you think it will take you? Weeks? Months? Days? :burnout:


It's hard to tell, I work on them when I can between school and work. I can usually get one or two done per day. So probably 1-2 months and I'll have them all done.

It's hard to tell, I work on them when I can between school and work. I can usually get one or two done per day. So probably 1-2 months and I'll have them all done.

Do you have the Main menu Theme you could share with us for now? and the setup? So we could start playing these games? PLEASE!! Thanks!!! :call:

  • 3 weeks later...
It's hard to tell, I work on them when I can between school and work. I can usually get one or two done per day. So probably 1-2 months and I'll have them all done.

Can you share with us your setup please? And your main menu? :idea:

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all! I just end my main theme of ScummVM (only main menu name) I want to share with you but I don't know how files or folders compress. Anyway I have a problem I don't know what is bad configured: when I press intro to enter to roms nothing happens. Do you know what could be the problem? Last of all: do you know how configure emulator?. Thanks to all. Waiting for answers!



[This Script shuts down ScummVM cleanly with "Esc". It is however obsolete. There is a Much cleaner, simpler version using .bat files with working "ESC" key on page 4 of this thread.]

ScummVM must be Pre-Configured to run games before you try this in HyperSpin!

I made this script because I couldnt get bat files to work. Thanks to Dhanen now I can, (see page 4 of this thread).

It will start scummVM, and launch the selected game and shut it down with the "esc" key, no problem.




roms=.txt (dummy files)

[Modified Script from "ckergald"]

see lower part of this link.


[HyperLaunch Script]


else if (systemName = "ScummVM" && executable = "ScummVMLauncher.exe")
Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey%, CloseProcess
Run, %emupath%%executable%
Runwait, %rompath%%romname%%romextension%
Process, Close, %executable%
WinActivate, HyperSpin

(NOTES) For the following Script:

- the rom\txt file names are copied exactly from the games "folder names" that you have already setup in ScummVM i.e. G:\HyperSpin\Emulators\ScummVM\Data\Games\Day of the Tentacle [DOS] = Day of the Tentacle [DOS].txt.

- place rom\txt files that you create, in ...ScummVM\"Roms" folder, that you also create, and point hyperlist to the "Roms" folder to create your xml database.

- delete\rename the games from the ScummVMLaunch.exe script that you dont have and then adjust the amount of "send, {down}" commands to match the position of the ScummVM game selection window.

- the "send, {UP}" commands, will reset ScummVM's game selection screen to the top of the list, probably dont need to change them if you delete games. If you add games to the list you will have to add "send, {up}" and "send, {DOWN}" commands to the appropriate game's section.

- place ScummVMLauncher.exe in your ScummVM root directory.


[color=white]WinWaitActive, Scummvm.exe[/color]
send, {ALTDOWN}{x}{ALTUP}
goto, finish

If (romname = "Day of the Tentacle [DOS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel
sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "Full Throttle [Windows].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel
sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis [DOS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel
sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
;Process, Close, ScummVMLauncher.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade [FM-TOWNS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "Loom (CD) [DOS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "Loom (Floppy) [DOS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "Loom [FMTOWNS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "Maniac Mansion (Enhanced) [DOS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "Maniac Mansion [DOS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's Revenge [DOS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "Passport to Adventure [DOS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "Sam & Max Hit the Road [DOS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "The Curse of Monkey Island [Windows].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "The Dig [DOS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "The Secret of Monkey Island (CD) [DOS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "The Secret of Monkey Island (Floppy) [DOS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (Enhanced) [DOS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders [DOS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish
If (romname = "Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders [FM-TOWNS].txt")
Run, ScummVM.exe, Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 1000
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {up}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {DOWN}
send, {Down}
send, {ENTER}
winwaitactive ScummVM.exe
goto, finish

msgbox an error occured or no rom specified

Process, WaitClose, ScummVM.exe
Gui, Color, 000000
Gui -Caption +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Show, W%A_ScreenWidth% H%A_ScreenHeight%, BlackGui
Process, Close, ScummVMLauncher.exe
Process, WaitClose, ScummVMLauncher.exe

Process, Close, ScummVM.exe
Process, WaitClose, ScummVM.exe
Gui, Color, 000000
Gui -Caption +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Show, W%A_ScreenWidth% H%A_ScreenHeight%, BlackGui
Process, Close, ScummVMLauncher.exe
Process, WaitClose, ScummVMLauncher.exe
onexit, CloseProcess


Chillinwater if I copy the hyperlaunch.script in my hyperlaunch.ahk put this message:

Error at line 168

Line text:%emuPath%, Hide UseErrorLevel

Error:This line does not contain a recognized action

The program will exit


Akiles500, you need to change your script: to "b, CloseProcess", and ", Hide UseErrorLevel "with a space between the comma CloseProcess, And the comma Hide UseErrorLevel.




else if (systemName = "ScummVM" && executable = "ScummVMLauncher.exe")
   Runwait, "%emupath%%executable%" "%romName%%romExtension%" "%exitemulatorkey%", 

   %emuPath%[color=red],Hide[/color] UseErrorLevel



Thanks a lot for scripts and codes. But still I have the same problem, I think is about space between "%exitemulatorkey%", and %emuPath%,Hide UseErrorLevel I think it must be "%exitemulatorkey%", %emuPath%,Hide UseErrorLevel with single space. Anyway, program not recognizes gosup, CloseProcess not either gosup, CloseProcess. What do you think if we write Hotkey, %ESC%, CloseProcess or similar? I'm not sure something like this could work but... must be an idea.

P.S: I can't find data floder... ScummVM folder don't have subfolders, so I can't find txt to configure rompath :(


Yes, is exactly what I did, I copied 2nd post script and I have this when try to start scummvm:

Error at line 311

Line text:%emuPath%, Hide UseErrorLevel

Error:This line does not contain a recognized action

The program will exit.

Anyway I don't have any data folder and txt files with scummVM games list :(. I don't know what I'm doing bad...


Post your "ScummVM" hyperlaunch script.

Does it look exactly like this? Make sure there is a [space] after each "," comma.

It is working perfectly for me with this script in Hyperlaunch.


else if (systemName = "ScummVM" && executable = "ScummVMLauncher.exe")
Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey%, CloseProcess
Run, %emupath%%executable%
Runwait, %rompath%%romname%%romextension%
Process, Close, %executable%
WinActivate, HyperSpin

Did you compile a seperate script for ScummVMLauncher.exe and place it in your ScummVM Root Directory?

It most certainly WILL NOT run if you dont have ScummVM set-up already with at least one game and built a txt file for that game. Not to mention running HyperList, HyperHQ.


Dhanen copy and paste this in your hyperlaunch.ahk:


else if (systemName = "ScummVM" && executable = "ScummVMLauncher.exe")



Runwait, "%emupath%%executable%" "%romName%%romExtension%" "%exitemulatorkey%",%emuPath%,Hide UseErrorLevel


gosub, CloseProcess


Chillinwater I haven´t time of tested scummvm but a thing there is what change the the extension game for example with the game Monkey island there is change MONKEY.exe by MONKEY.txt




All the "txt" files acting as "roms" should be placed in a folder called "roms" for simplicity. You can put them wherever you want but you have to point HyperHq to wherever they are, with the extension = txt.

There is nothing inside these text files, they are dummy files for hyperlaunch. ScummVM knows where its game folders are.

If the folder where the "actual" games are, inside the ScummVM folder

= hyperspin\emulator\scummVm\Data\games\monkey

then the .txt file should be named "monkey".

If the folder where the "actual" games are, inside the ScummVM folder

= hyperspin\emulator\scummVm\Data\games\full throttle [1234...]

then the .txt file should be named "full throttle [1234...] ".

Dont rename any exe files to text!

Dont move any exe files!

You are creating these "dummy" txt files and naming them according to ScummVM's game folder name, and placing them into a seperate directory I call "Roms". You can call it whatever you want. From this "roms" directory is where you point Hyperlist to make your ScummVM games, ScummVM.xml database and where you point HyperHQ to your roms\txt files.


Yes. I just did copy and paste again and works okay but I don't understand what to do with ScummVMLaunch script. I must create an exe with that script?

Anyway a friend and I designed a more easy way that works okay, using normal mode and pc engine in HyperHQ (not Hyperlaunch), and creating a bat file where is indicated the rute of each game. But we have the same problem: How to use "ESC" key to go back to roms wheel? Lot of games in scumm are using 'escape' to pass text or animations, so it seems we will have that big problem too....

The problem with ESC is given by the fact that each game uses it for different things. F.E: Monkey Island uses ESC to pass cutscenes, Broken Sword uses ESC to open a Save/Load menu...

We agree that whe need one only key to exit games and back to roms subwheel, and we agree about we don't need many different keys, 'cause if we want to have an arcade some day... it will don't have a lot of buttons (one for exit, other for save, other more for exit with other game, other for save in....)!!

I think one way is search a method to change keyboard settings on scumm OR force scumm use ever the keys that we configure with a script or something. What do you think about?


Yeah .bat would have been much easier, I couldnt get .bats or .lnks to work. Could you post the script of your .bat?

Yes copy the script for ScummVMLauncher.exe and create (2) new text files in the directory where Scummvm resides.

Paste the script into one of the text files, save it as "ScummVMLauncher.ahk" Rename the second text file "ScummVMLauncher.exe" and compile with autohotkey.


Hi. The bat script is easy but you need configure some things:

First of all put the games ready to be played in scumm. For example C:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Scumm\Roms\Name of the game

Then select a game from the list and click on "edit game", put an abreviate ID for the game (make sure the ID is supported, for supported ID for each game open the readme.txt, there you will see a list). For example, for Monkey Island -> monkey; for Indiana Jones and the last crusade -> indy3 (use exactly the same name you find on README.TXT). Put a bat file on roms directory, in the bat file you only must indicate the complete route of scumm and the ID game. For example, for monkey island you will create a bat file called monkey.bat and in that file you will write: 'C:\hyperspin\emulators\ScummVM\scummvm.exe monkey'; other one for Indiana jones and the last crusade 'C:\hyperspin\emulators\ScummVM\scummvm.exe indy3'... etc...

In HyperHQ you must configure ScummVM wheel as Normal (not Hyperlaunch), PC Game Enabled, bat as extension of roms and put the correct rom folder route.

I think this is all. Hope will help (with my very bad english :S). Thanks to Archer, the friend who found the way to make it work. Now we are working to find the way to configure scumm for use same keys in all games or make a menu opened with a button (is better use only a button if you want to use an arcade machine) where find the save, load, exit... options... If you have an idea that will be welcome.


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