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How to set up ScummVM in HS ?


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You must be sure you changed the game ID on ScummVM. In screen selection click on game without start it. Click on Edit Game and change the game id to indy3.

Be sure too you configured Hyperspin as I said: PC Game enabled, normal mode (not hyperlaunch), and rom extension .bat...

bat must be placed on roms folder. In roms folder you will find:

bat files (one for each game)

games folders (one for each game)

I'm tried that configuration and works okay. Tell me if u still having problems.


Ok its working, thanks, I'm still trying to set it running through hyperlaunch so my betabrite sign will show the games running on the sign.






; code by SophT

[HyperLaunch Script]

else if (systemName = "ScummVM" && executable = "Scummlaunch_test.exe")
Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey%, CloseProcess
Run, %emupath%%executable%
Runwait, %rompath%%romname%%romextension%
Process, Close, %executable%
WinActivate, HyperSpin


I know only we can use "alt-x". I readed about a code in Hyperlaunch that supposedly will close any emulator with specified key (in our case ESCAPE).

exitEmulatorKey = ESC

I have not been able to make work it. But we still having the same problem! Each game uses different keys for different tasks. Could we make that I said in my last post? Made a menu opened with a only key to unify all the tasks? Nothing else comes into my head by now...


Here is a New and Improved ScummVMLauncher script, with WORKING "[ESC] KEY for clean shutdown, in HyperLaunch, using .bat files!

Alt-X is defined below to shut down ScummVM, can be modified to the keys you want.



executable=ScummVMLauncher.exe (place in ScummVM directory)

romext=bat (to create bat files see a few posts below, Thanks Dhanen)


- Wait for the game to fully load (about 5 seconds after you see the game screen).

- I've noticed problems with shutdown when other programs are running in the backround, windows media player is one example, it wasnt active but was on the taskbar. Make sure no unnecessary programs are running as they may conflict with "esc" and ScummVMLauncher. I dont have a workaround for that yet except whats stated above.

- Also i had trouble launching "Sam & Max Hit the Road [DOS]", I had to rename the bat (remove "&") to "Sam Max Hit the Road [DOS] and edit the ScummVM database "xml" to reflect that change.


WinWaitActive, Scummvm.exe
send, [color=lime]{ALTDOWN}{x}{ALTUP}[/color]
goto, CloseProcess
Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow 
Gui, color, 0
Gui Show, x0 y0 h%A_ScreenHeight% w%A_ScreenWidth%, HSHIDE 
Process, Close, HyperLaunch.exe
Process, Close, ScummVM.exe
Process, Close, ScummVMLauncher.exe
sleep, 1000
WinRestore, HyperSpin
Gui Destroy 


;Required - ScummVMLauncher.exe:
else if (systemName = "ScummVM" && executable = "ScummVMLauncher.exe")
Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey%, CloseProcess
Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow 
Gui, color, 0
Gui Show, x0 y0 h%A_ScreenHeight% w%A_ScreenWidth%, HSHIDE
Run, %emupath%%executable%
Runwait, %rompath%%romname%%romextension%
sleep, 2000
Gui Destroy 
Process, Close, %executable%
WinActivate, HyperSpin

[How to make a bat file for ScummVM, from the Readme.txt]

Here is a sampling of Batches I created (edit them and change to the directory where Scummvm is located)

ScummVM-Bats Database for these bats below.

Everything inside the BRACKETS [romname] goes into a separate .bat file for each rom.

Put the .bat files in a separate folder "roms" or whatever just like most of the other emus.

SCUMM Games by LucasArts:

Maniac Mansion [maniac] rom name is inside the brackets but dont use brackets.

Sample .bat looks like this below.

C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\ScummVM\scummvm.exe maniac

Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders [zak]

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade [indy3]

Loom [loom]

The Secret of Monkey Island [monkey]

C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\ScummVM\scummvm.exe monkey

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge [monkey2]

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis [atlantis]

Day of the Tentacle [tentacle]

Sam & Max Hit the Road [samnmax]

Full Throttle [ft]

The Dig [dig]

The Curse of Monkey Island [comi]

AGI Games by Sierra:

The Black Cauldron [bc]

Gold Rush! [goldrush]

King's Quest I [kq1]

King's Quest II [kq2]

King's Quest III [kq3]

King's Quest IV [kq4]

Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the

Lounge Lizards [lsl1]

Mixed-Up Mother Goose [mixedup]

Manhunter 1: New York [mh1]

Manhunter 2: San Francisco [mh2]

Police Quest I: In Pursuit of the Death

Angel [pq1]

Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter [sq1]

Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge [sq2]

Fanmade Games [agi-fanmade]

AGOS Games by Adventuresoft / Horrorsoft:

Elvira - Mistress of the Dark [elvira1]

Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus [elvira2]

Waxworks [waxworks]

Simon the Sorcerer 1 [simon1]

Simon the Sorcerer 2 [simon2]

Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack

- Demon In My Pocket [dimp]

Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack

- Jumble [jumble]

Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack

- NoPatience [puzzle]

Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack

- Swampy Adventures [swampy]

The Feeble Files [feeble]

GOB Games by Coktel Vision:

Bargon Attack [bargon]

Gobliiins [gob1]

Gobliins 2 [gob2]

Goblins 3 [gob3]

Lost in Time [lostintime]

The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff

and the Schnibble [woodruff]

Ween: The Prophecy [ween]

Other Games:

Beneath a Steel Sky [sky]

Broken Sword 1: The Shadow of the Templars [sword1]

Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror [sword2]

Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back [drascula]

Flight of the Amazon Queen [queen]

Future Wars [fw]

Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb [ite]

Nippon Safes Inc. [nippon]

The Legend of Kyrandia [kyra1]

The Legend of Kyrandia: The Hand of Fate [kyra2]

The Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge [kyra3]

Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth

Musketeer [touche]

SCUMM Games by Humongous Entertainment:

Backyard Football [football]

Big Thinkers First Grade [thinker1]

Big Thinkers Kindergarten [thinkerk]

Blue's 123 Time Activities [blues123Time]

Blue's ABC Time Activities [bluesABCTime]

Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise [fbear]

Fatty Bear's Fun Pack [fbpack]

Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing

Kelp Seeds [freddi]

Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted

Schoolhouse [freddi2]

Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen

Conch Shell [freddi3]

Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish

Rustlers of Briny Gulch [freddi4]

Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness [maze]

Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries [water]

Let's Explore the Airport with Buzzy [airport]

Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy [farm]

Let's Explore the Jungle with Buzzy [jungle]

Pajama Sam 1: No Need to Hide When It's

Dark Outside [pajama]

Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning

Aren't so Frightening [pajama2]

Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat

From Your Head to Your Feet [pajama3]

Pajama Sam's Lost & Found [lost]

Pajama Sam's Sock Works [socks]

Putt-Putt Enters the Race [puttrace]

Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon [puttmoon]

Putt-Putt Joins the Circus [puttcircus]

Putt-Putt Joins the Parade [puttputt]

Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo [puttzoo]

Putt-Putt Travels Through Time [putttime]

Putt-Putt and Pep's Balloon-O-Rama [balloon]

Putt-Putt and Pep's Dog on a Stick [dog]

Putt-Putt & Fatty Bear's Activity Pack [activity]

Putt-Putt's Fun Pack [funpack]

SPY Fox 1: Dry Cereal [spyfox]

SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required [spyfox2]

SPY Fox in Cheese Chase [chase]

SPY Fox in Hold the Mustard [mustard]

The following games should load, but are not yet fully playable. Play

these at your own risk, and please do not file bug reports about them.

If you want the latest updates on game compatibility, visit our web site

and view the compatibility chart.

Backyard Baseball [baseball]

Backyard Soccer [soccer]

Blue's Birthday Adventure [bluesBirthday]

SPY Fox 3: Operation Ozone [spyozon]


change to your directory

[exe info]



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<game name="Day of the Tentacle [DOS]">
<description>Day of the Tentacle [DOS]</description>
<cloneof> </cloneof>
<crc> </crc>
<manufacturer> </manufacturer>
<year> </year>
<genre> </genre>
<game name="Full Throttle [Windows]">
<description>Full Throttle [Windows]</description>
<cloneof> </cloneof>
<crc> </crc>
<manufacturer> </manufacturer>
<year> </year>
<genre> </genre>
<game name="I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (CD DOS)">
<description>I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (CD DOS)</description>
<cloneof> </cloneof>
<crc> </crc>
<manufacturer> </manufacturer>
<year> </year>
<genre> </genre>
</game><game name="Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis [DOS]">
<description>Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis [DOS]</description>
<cloneof> </cloneof>
<crc> </crc>
<manufacturer> </manufacturer>
<year> </year>
<genre> </genre>
<game name="Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade [FM-TOWNS]">
<description>Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade [FM-TOWNS]</description>
<cloneof> </cloneof>
<crc> </crc>
<manufacturer> </manufacturer>
<year> </year>
<genre> </genre>
<game name="Loom (CD) [DOS]">
<description>Loom (CD) [DOS]</description>
<cloneof> </cloneof>
<crc> </crc>
<manufacturer> </manufacturer>
<year> </year>
<genre> </genre>
<game name="Maniac Mansion (Enhanced) [DOS]">
<description>Maniac Mansion (Enhanced) [DOS]</description>
<cloneof> </cloneof>
<crc> </crc>
<manufacturer> </manufacturer>
<year> </year>
<genre> </genre>
<game name="Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's Revenge [DOS]">
<description>Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's Revenge [DOS] </description>
<cloneof> </cloneof>
<crc> </crc>
<manufacturer> </manufacturer>
<year> </year>
<genre> </genre>
<game name="Passport to Adventure [DOS]">
<description>Passport to Adventure [DOS]</description>
<cloneof> </cloneof>
<crc> </crc>
<manufacturer> </manufacturer>
<year> </year>
<genre> </genre>
<game name="Sam Max Hit the Road [DOS]">
<description>Sam Max Hit the Road [DOS]</description>
<cloneof> </cloneof>
<crc> </crc>
<manufacturer> </manufacturer>
<year> </year>
<genre> </genre>
<game name="The Curse of Monkey Island [Windows]">
<description>The Curse of Monkey Island [Windows]</description>
<cloneof> </cloneof>
<crc> </crc>
<manufacturer> </manufacturer>
<year> </year>
<genre> </genre>
<game name="The Dig [DOS]">
<description>The Dig [DOS]</description>
<cloneof> </cloneof>
<crc> </crc>
<manufacturer> </manufacturer>
<year> </year>
<genre> </genre>
<game name="The Secret of Monkey Island (CD) [DOS]">
<description>The Secret of Monkey Island (CD) [DOS]</description>
<cloneof> </cloneof>
<crc> </crc>
<manufacturer> </manufacturer>
<year> </year>
<genre> </genre>
<game name="Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (Enhanced) [DOS]">
<description>Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (Enhanced) [DOS]</description>
<cloneof> </cloneof>
<crc> </crc>
<manufacturer> </manufacturer>
<year> </year>
<genre> </genre>



You are almost there [x]=check [xx]=double check:

[x]-tentacle is already setup to run inside scummvm not in HyperSpin

[xx]-inside the batch should look just like [color=yellow]this, change[/color] to your directory (dont worry about the color):

[color=#ffff00]G:\HyperSpin\Emulators\DOSBox\ScummVM\scummvm.exe [/color][color=lime]tentacle[/color]

[x]-[color=#98fb98]Day of the Tentacle [DOS][/color]-batch file starts scummvm and launches tentacle automatically when left-clicked on

in Hyperlaunch

[x]-else if (systemName = "[color=palegreen]ScummVM[/color]" && executable = "[color=palegreen]ScummVMLauncher.exe[/color]")

in HyperHQ:

[x]-exe=[color=palegreen]ScummVMLauncher.exe[/color] (in root dir of ScummVM)

[x]-romext=[color=palegreen]bat [/color]not .bat not "bat"

[x] rom directory where the bats are located


Ok i got yours to work!

Make sure you have "monkey" configured in scummvm first

Create a .bat file with this in it;

C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\ScummVM\scummvm.exe monkey (maybe "monkey 1" for spanish)

Then do the normal hyperlist thing pointing to your .bat for your rom.

Use the script above.





Just to note, if you see 2 autohotkey scripts in taskbar tray, when you hover over them they will disappear.

To quote SophT "that's just windows being dumb!"


Chillinwater and when there are more of game in roms folders,the option subfolders of ScummVM.ini work or there are in all files bat together in roms folder myself


Yes, when you have more games you need to read Scummvm's readme.txt.

Everything inside the BRACKETS [romname] goes into a separate .bat file for each rom.

Put the .bat files in a separate folder "roms" or whatever just like most of the other emus.

Chillinwater now yes works,it,s see a green screen and choose the game with enter key.

The game not enter directly or is so

No comprende Amigo, :) I think your saying that scumm launches but the game does not?

It should launch the game automatically just like the .bat file you said you had working.

If its not launching the game automatically... hmm.

Is "monkey" set-up in scummvm or is HyperHq pointing to your roms directory? Romext=bat!

OK, green screen of scumm gotya, config Scummvm to see your game, or double check your .bat, "scummvm.exe monkey" no [] brackets.


executable=ScummVMLauncher.exe (not Scummvm.exe this is in your bat file)

[How to make a bat file for ScummVM, from the Readme.txt]

SCUMM Games by LucasArts:

Maniac Mansion [maniac] rom name is inside the brackets but dont use brackets.

Sample .bat looks like this below.

G:\HyperSpin\Emulators\DOSBox\ScummVM\scummvm.exe maniac

Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders [zak]

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade [indy3]

Loom [loom]

The Secret of Monkey Island [monkey]

G:\HyperSpin\Emulators\DOSBox\ScummVM\scummvm.exe monkey

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge [monkey2]

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis [atlantis]

Day of the Tentacle [tentacle]

Sam & Max Hit the Road [samnmax]

Full Throttle [ft]

The Dig [dig]

The Curse of Monkey Island [comi]

AGI Games by Sierra:

The Black Cauldron [bc]

Gold Rush! [goldrush]

King's Quest I [kq1]

King's Quest II [kq2]

King's Quest III [kq3]

King's Quest IV [kq4]

Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the

Lounge Lizards [lsl1]

Mixed-Up Mother Goose [mixedup]

Manhunter 1: New York [mh1]

Manhunter 2: San Francisco [mh2]

Police Quest I: In Pursuit of the Death

Angel [pq1]

Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter [sq1]

Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge [sq2]

Fanmade Games [agi-fanmade]

AGOS Games by Adventuresoft / Horrorsoft:

Elvira - Mistress of the Dark [elvira1]

Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus [elvira2]

Waxworks [waxworks]

Simon the Sorcerer 1 [simon1]

Simon the Sorcerer 2 [simon2]

Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack

- Demon In My Pocket [dimp]

Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack

- Jumble [jumble]

Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack

- NoPatience [puzzle]

Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack

- Swampy Adventures [swampy]

The Feeble Files [feeble]

GOB Games by Coktel Vision:

Bargon Attack [bargon]

Gobliiins [gob1]

Gobliins 2 [gob2]

Goblins 3 [gob3]

Lost in Time [lostintime]

The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff

and the Schnibble [woodruff]

Ween: The Prophecy [ween]

Other Games:

Beneath a Steel Sky [sky]

Broken Sword 1: The Shadow of the Templars [sword1]

Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror [sword2]

Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back [drascula]

Flight of the Amazon Queen [queen]

Future Wars [fw]

Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb [ite]

Nippon Safes Inc. [nippon]

The Legend of Kyrandia [kyra1]

The Legend of Kyrandia: The Hand of Fate [kyra2]

The Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge [kyra3]

Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth

Musketeer [touche]

SCUMM Games by Humongous Entertainment:

Backyard Football [football]

Big Thinkers First Grade [thinker1]

Big Thinkers Kindergarten [thinkerk]

Blue's 123 Time Activities [blues123Time]

Blue's ABC Time Activities [bluesABCTime]

Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise [fbear]

Fatty Bear's Fun Pack [fbpack]

Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing

Kelp Seeds [freddi]

Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted

Schoolhouse [freddi2]

Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen

Conch Shell [freddi3]

Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish

Rustlers of Briny Gulch [freddi4]

Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness [maze]

Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries [water]

Let's Explore the Airport with Buzzy [airport]

Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy [farm]

Let's Explore the Jungle with Buzzy [jungle]

Pajama Sam 1: No Need to Hide When It's

Dark Outside [pajama]

Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning

Aren't so Frightening [pajama2]

Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat

From Your Head to Your Feet [pajama3]

Pajama Sam's Lost & Found [lost]

Pajama Sam's Sock Works [socks]

Putt-Putt Enters the Race [puttrace]

Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon [puttmoon]

Putt-Putt Joins the Circus [puttcircus]

Putt-Putt Joins the Parade [puttputt]

Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo [puttzoo]

Putt-Putt Travels Through Time [putttime]

Putt-Putt and Pep's Balloon-O-Rama [balloon]

Putt-Putt and Pep's Dog on a Stick [dog]

Putt-Putt & Fatty Bear's Activity Pack [activity]

Putt-Putt's Fun Pack [funpack]

SPY Fox 1: Dry Cereal [spyfox]

SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required [spyfox2]

SPY Fox in Cheese Chase [chase]

SPY Fox in Hold the Mustard [mustard]

The following games should load, but are not yet fully playable. Play

these at your own risk, and please do not file bug reports about them.

If you want the latest updates on game compatibility, visit our web site

and view the compatibility chart.

Backyard Baseball [baseball]

Backyard Soccer [soccer]

Blue's Birthday Adventure [bluesBirthday]

SPY Fox 3: Operation Ozone [spyozon]


How do you make the .exe file? It doesnt work for me. When I press enter in a game in rom list that message appears: "ScummVM is an invalid system name or ScummVMLauncher.exe isnt supported yet". What I'm doing wrong? (Of course I'm deleted the line you said. Thanks.


Dhanen tienes que hacer por cada juego un archivo con extension .bat no exe.

Para hacer el archivo con extension bat ,abres el bloc de notas y copias la ruta que tienes en el archivo ini dle hyperspin.Ejemplo,para el juego Monkey,mi ruta del archivo ini es :

C:\Hyperspin\Emulators\ScummVm luego a esa linea le añades scummvm.exe monkey ,quedaria dentro del archivo que has creado con el bloc de notas asi:

C:\Hyperspin\Emulators\ScummVm\scummvm.exe monkey

Luego salvas el archivo con extension .bat y ya lo tendrias.Para hacer otro juego abres otro archivo con el bloc de notas y copias la misma linea menos monkey y la sustituyes por el juego en cuestion.En el archivo Readme.txt te vienen todos los juegos y lcambias lo que vaya despues de scummvm.exe por lo que hay entre comillas de cada juego en ese archivo.

Dhanen y ya no escribo mas en español porque es un foro Ingles.Saludos


Yes, I know. I understand about bat files. I was who discover that method and explained first to chillinwater if you read previous posts. What I don't understand is about "ScummVMLauncher.exe" I don't know how put the scrpit on it. Thanks!

(Yo también escribo en inglés, asi no dicen nada jeje. Gracias tio. Por cierto, como he dicho, para que te funcione tienes que cambiar la ID de cada juego en el ScummVM por una ID valida de la lista que hay en el readme.txt o de la lista que ha pegado chillwater :))

How do you make the .exe file? It doesnt work for me. When I press enter in a game in rom list that message appears: "ScummVM is an invalid system name or ScummVMLauncher.exe isnt supported yet". What I'm doing wrong? (Of course I'm deleted the line you said. Thanks.

when you get that message it means that

1) you haven't added the system to your hyperlaunch.ahk yet

2) you haven't recompiled your hyperlaunch.ahk yet

3) you misspelled something somewhere.


I got the games to launch perfect...thanks for that by the way!

I copied the script,deleted the line that was suppose to be deleted,compiled the script, and turned it into an .exe, but I can't for the life of me get the "Esc script" to escape. In fact when running this script it won't even let me use alt-x to exit...which I'm assuming is because the script is running, but it's just not doing what I want it to do. Any ideas? I was up til 1 in the morning trying to get it to work, but I hate to admit I'm stumped.



I've added a new line to the Launcher script above see if it helps (consider it experimental) for now and follow the guidelines below.

- Wait for the game to fully load (about 5 seconds after you see the game screen).

- I've noticed problems with shutdown when other programs are running in the backround, windows media player is one example, it wasnt active but was on the taskbar. Make sure no unnecessary programs are running as they may conflict with "esc" and ScummVMLauncher. I dont have a workaround for that yet except whats stated above.

- Also i had trouble launching "Sam & Max Hit the Road [DOS]", I had to rename the bat (remove "&") to "Sam Max Hit the Road [DOS] and edit the ScummVM database "xml" to reflect that change.

That said,

Make sure that the your Launchers name = "ScummVMLauncher.exe"

This should match the name in the Hyperlaunch script. @ line...


else if (systemName = "ScummVM" && executable = "[color=lime]ScummVMLauncher.exe[/color]")

There are 4 lines that call for "ScummVMLauncher.exe" to close in the "ScummVMLauncher.ahk" script.


Process, Close, [color=lime]ScummVMLauncher.exe[/color]
Process, WaitClose, [color=lime]ScummVMLauncher.exe[/color]

Process, Close, scummvm.exe
Process, WaitClose, scummvm.exe
Gui, Color, 000000
Gui -Caption +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Show, W%A_ScreenWidth% H%A_ScreenHeight%, BlackGui
Process, Close, [color=lime]ScummVMLauncher.exe[/color]
Process, WaitClose, [color=lime]ScummVMLauncher.exe[/color]

The names can be anything but they have to "match" exactly.

Any misspellings there would cause that problem.



SophT is right, when you added ScummVM to Hyperlaunch, did you save and compile the Hyperlaunch script?

As for ScummLauncher, copy the ScummLauncher script from the post and paste it into a new text file. save it as "ScummVMLauncher.ahk"

In windows explorer, copy that "ScummVMLauncher.ahk" and rename the new copy to "ScummVMLauncher.exe" in the same directory. Should be in the directory where ScummVM.exe is, i.e. c:\hyperspin\emulators\ScummVM.

Run autohotkey to compile "ScummVMLauncher.ahk"




Im glad to see your "ESC" is working Akiles500, but somthing is wrong with your configuration. The game isnt launching automatically and should be.

Check your bat file make sure it launches directly into the game and not the ScummVM game selection directory.

Also check your Scumm configuration. Greetings!

Script has been Updated see page 4 of thread.


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