dompau Posted January 11, 2014 Posted January 11, 2014 Hi, how do you guys hide Xpadder ? If I set it up to "auto minimize", it still flickers fast at starting and minimize .. that's crap ! I'd like to have it starting and running in the background completely hidden ! I tried scripting in Autoit (run('xpadder.exe', '', @SW_HIDE)) but it doesn't work at all, (same with the Run xpadder,,Hide from AutoHotkey) ...I tried getting the handle of the window then using WinSetState in AutoIt, it works if I add a slight temporisation of 100ms after the Run command, which, in fact, let me see the window before it's hidden ! So is there a definitive way not to see that annoying window at all ? this is getting me real mad atm. And Xpadder's option to auto-minimize are just useless, yes it minimizes, but first it displays ! Thank anyone for helping me if there's something to do.
dompau Posted January 11, 2014 Author Posted January 11, 2014 Ok never mind this, I found it out accidentally. I'll explain in-case someone else get into this mess : in Xpadder, I had every options checked, including "show taskbar button when minimized", doing this, you actually see the window like half a second before it gets minimized and you see it in the taskbar, if you disable this then it's totally hidden, at start and when running.. weird.
Benzinbruder Posted August 13, 2014 Posted August 13, 2014 At the moment I am having similar problems with Xpadder when booting into shelled Hyperspin. Could you furhter elaborate your solution? How do you start Xpadder? With a batch file or in HyperHQ? Or HyperLaunch?
frostmute Posted August 13, 2014 Posted August 13, 2014 I'm looking for a way to solve the INVERSE of this.... I want the Xpadder window to stay open, on a second screen, so that I can easily see whats going on when setting up profiles and troubleshooting. I can't get it to do this. Every time it switches profiles it minimizes, and I have to alt-tab out and maximize it again to see what it switched to. I have all the options that control its minimize behavior unchecked, but it still minimizes.
ghutch92 Posted August 14, 2014 Posted August 14, 2014 I'm looking for a way to solve the INVERSE of this.... I want the Xpadder window to stay open, on a second screen, so that I can easily see whats going on when setting up profiles and troubleshooting. I can't get it to do this.Every time it switches profiles it minimizes, and I have to alt-tab out and maximize it again to see what it switched to. I have all the options that control its minimize behavior unchecked, but it still minimizes. Yay, the minimize code in hyperlaunch\lib\keymapper.ahk works! Look for this in the code Log("RunXpadder - Run`," . keymapperExe . " """ . ProfilesInXpadderOrder . """ /M`, " . keymapperPath . "`, Hide") Run, %keymapperExe% "%ProfilesInXpadderOrder%" /M, %keymapperPath%, Hide remove the /m How to Install HyperSpin and more RocketLauncher HyperSpin Startup Script
Benzinbruder Posted August 20, 2014 Posted August 20, 2014 Hiding Xpadder seems to work now that I have HyperSpin shelled and launch Xpadder with HyperHQ (as startup program). In my case it only seems to work when choosing the "Hidden" option in HyperHQ and setting Xpadder to launch minimized (in the Xpadder options). From what I have read this seems to vary for other systems though, so you might have to play around with these options a bit!
iNTiGOD Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 In addition to what has already been mentioned, users should ensure that MS Windows animations are disabled. The option for Windows 7 is under system properties, advanced tab then choose the settings under performance, and finally visual effects. I disabled "animate windows when maximising and minimising". You could also select to adjust for best performance. This finally removed all flickering of xpadder to the task bar when launching a system. MAME High Score Tutorial For HyperSpin
Gofel Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 You said Autoit, this is my solution for this problem: MonitorToggle(1) ;Dim monitor to black ;------------------------------ Run(Your app) WinSetState("Your app","",@SW_MINIMIZE) ;------------------------------ MonitorToggle(0) ;monitor on Func MonitorToggle($Off = 1) ;Monitor On/off $opt = Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) $WM_SYSCommand = 274 $SC_MonitorPower = 61808 $Power_Off = 2 $Power_On = -1 $HWND = WinGetHandle("classname=Progman") If $Off Then DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $HWND, "int", $WM_SYSCommand, _ "int", $SC_MonitorPower, "int", $Power_Off) Else DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $HWND, "int", $WM_SYSCommand, _ "int", $SC_MonitorPower, "int", $Power_On) EndIf Opt ("WinTitleMatchMode", $opt) EndFunc
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