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Hyperspin / HyperLaunchHQ / Wheel Art / Membership


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First Hi to all

you can see i am new here ^^ (means i am noob)

Hyperspin is really nice Fronted Programm i love it .

Now my Questions :

I really cant find an list which Systems are really done (wheel Art /videos /2D or 3D Arts etc)

example i use HyperLaunchHq 1.0.12

Snes shows me 787 Games

i loaded really all Games and they work

but now i cant find all Wheel art for snes , box arts , etc.

and yes i renamed they all.

i found all time random or custum wheel arts ,box arts etc. but most time they have only 700 images

means they arent complete ,maybe i search in the wrong section...

ATM i have like 6-7 Systems i load roms ,remane them most time after i must search 1by1 to find missing games

that is really hard and takes many time.

No Problem i want this and it takes time...shit happens ^^

i hope you guys help me and write which system are really done all wheels ,Box 2D and 3D ,Videos,etc.

to save lil bit time ^^

Next question Membership i see the different from Random till Gold

the question is what is of the FTP

System? think all systems but what

how many Wheel Arts / Box Arts / Videos /etc./ is there just 1 wheel art for every system or are there many more for every system

are there intro Videos for every game (complete) or are Videos just in Platin cause you need an EmuMovies account for HyperSync 3.5

how about Game Themes....


It will be nice if any1 with acces can post some screeshots what on FTP server is.

or write what is on it .

That will help nice cause i want to buy Membership

i want 2 know for which money what i get :P

Thx 2 all which read that till end Greetings have a nice day ;)


There is 300GB of stuff on the FTP server and the number of files just keeps going up. A lot of systems are "complete" and can be found in the Gold Members Section of the FTP as a Minted set. This doesn't mean it is "complete" as some will have new themes made and alternative themes or even updated artwork.

Naming things manually is very old school maybe you should look into HyperTools aka Dons HyperSpin Tools and many other great 3rd party apps here.

As for what is on the FTP. Well how about just becoming a member and having a look.

Regarding Videos they are ONLY on EmuMovies. You want them you need a subscription there as well.


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