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MAME .176 and Aimtrak Lightguns


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I just updated from .155 to .176. On .155 I had the ini file configured correctly for MAME to see two separate light guns and it worked fine (gun 1/gun 2). Now with .176 I copied over my MAME ini from .155 that I knew was working fine with dual lightguns, loaded up a rom and it sees the lightguns as the same gun number. What would change from .155 to .176 using the same ini file where it now no longer works. This is what worked for me in .155. I wasn't using a UI version in .155, just the normal 64 bit version from mame site and I'm using the normal 64 bit version again for .176 from the site. Anyone else run into this issue updating mame and aimtrak lightguns?

coin_lockout              1
mouse                     1
joystick                  1
lightgun                  1
multikeyboard             0
multimouse                1
steadykey                 0
ui_active                 0
offscreen_reload          1
joystick_map              auto
joystick_deadzone         0.3
joystick_saturation       0.85
natural                   0
joystick_contradictory    0
coin_impulse              0

paddle_device             keyboard
adstick_device            keyboard
pedal_device              keyboard
dial_device               keyboard
trackball_device          mouse
lightgun_device           lightgun
positional_device         keyboard
mouse_device              mouse

Lightgun support has been busted in MAME for the last few versions, but they're aware of the issue and working on it.


Damn just ordered my first Aimtrak lightgun. Do they not work at all not even a single gun or is it just pairing issues?


Anyone know the last version of mame the guns still work on so I can rollback?


Well that sucks :/ guess I'll just have to point my shooter wheel to use .155 for now until they fix it. Thanks for the knowledge and quickly reply Agent 47.


Damn just ordered my first Aimtrak lightgun. Do they not work at all not even a single gun or is it just pairing issues?

Anyone know the last version of mame the guns still work on so I can rollback?

My guns are still working, they're just assigned the same gun number, so both moving the same pointer. So for only one gun you should be fine. Use my settings I posted, edit the name.ini and make sure those lines match mine. MAME is still recognizing my gun.


Reading that .171 is the latest version to support dual light guns. You think I should get .171 for my gun games or just stick to using .155 that I already have for gun games and use .176 for everything else, which I also have already.


171 has a lot of improvements for GLSL and HLSL over 155, but if you already have 155 setup I'd say just stick with that since it's possible lightguns will be fixed in 177


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