thatman84 Posted October 22, 2016 Posted October 22, 2016 Hyperspin Android Settings (.ini) Files What’s covered... Settings file directory location Global.ini & Betabrite.ini Settings.ini Main Menu.ini (All testing done on Nvidia Shield TV Pro) Before We Start... For the purposes of this tutorial I will be editing the .ini files with Notepad++ & screenshots on a Windows PC. You can use any Android or PC text editor to complete this task it was just simpler for the purposes of writing. If using a combined Hyperspin PC and Android setup then you can get more information on the different settings from the notes provided in the HyperHQ program. HyperHQ directly controls all of your .ini files located in Hyperspin/Settings NOT Hyperspin/Settings_Android For full original listings please see this post What is Needed: Your set of .ini files (Located in your Hyperspin/Settings or Settings_Android folder Text Editor (any will do or use Notepad++) The set of clean and preconfigured .ini files ( Included in the Android base pack I submitted. Lets get stuff covered!! Settings file directory location For default Windows PC installation ALL your settings files can be found in the Settings folder of your Hyperspin directory (..Hyperspin\Settings) If you are not using your Hyperspin Android setup on a PC then leave them all in the /Settings folder If you are combining your PC and Android Hyperspin setups please create the following Settings_Android folder and place a copy of ALL your .ini files inside (..Hyperspin\Settings_Android) If you are using my Hyperspin Android Base Pack locate your settings files here Global.ini & Betabrite.ini These files are not required for Hyperspin Android and do not affect it Settings.ini Without a settings.ini file Hyperspin will still run, read and display the artwork and animations you have in your folders. This will display any override transitions you may have also (Override Transitions are little .flv video animations that play when switching between systems/games). Located in:- Hyperspin/Media/Frontend/Video/Transitions (Play when system specific not available, named what you want) Hyperspin/Media/Main Menu/Video/Override Transitions (Named as your Main Menu system entry) Note: If ‘<not supported>', then there is a hard-coded value or the parameter is ignored currently. The three options are explained below in a settings file example. Please see THIS post for further details on the Optimizer settings for PC installations Option 1 & 2 Option 3 Main Menu.ini This ini file configures how your Main Menu list will display. There are a few features that can be customised and some that are not supported. Note:- Your Main Menu systems list will always display vertically to the right. Video Path, Sounds & Wheel text are not supported Next is Special Art Special art is the animated .swf artwork usually for controls. Further reading can be found HERE So thats all I have for you on the core settings options. I will do a seperate post for the System settings where all the business happens!! Hope this helps someone and big thanks to badhemi for his settings files Official Hyperspin Tutorials Playlist HS Android Overview & Install HS Android Base Pack Download My Tutorials
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