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Why is mame crashing on game launch


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Wow! Grrrrrrrrrrrr lol.

heres my situation, everything was running fine, until recently and I can't figure out what's going on.

im using mame 0.177 romset, with mame 0.177 with Arcade64 put in the mame 0.177 folder and using arcade64 as the .exe.

mame opens fine on its own, launch game, CRASH. Launch game, CRASH. Rinse repeat, mame will not launch a game suddenly.

ive tried a fresh install of mame 0.177, no dice...Crash.  Tried it in rocket launcher , same thing crash.

im using windows 10, everything was running smooth until now.  Trying to get mame back to working in stand alone mode so I can re-add it to HS.

does anyone have any ideas why mame just crashes upon game launch?  Am I doing something wrong with Arcade64.exe? 



Updated with video.

everytning else works fine. Retroarch, model 2 , 3 everything else but mame.

Stand alone and Hyperspin it's just mame doing this.  As you can see defender is off, I even checked for quarantine notifications and nothing nada.

tried multiple reinstalls, same thing.  Mameuifx has been great never had an issue.  Really don't want to use another mame emulator because I don't understand cmd command stuff, I just want to use the GUI interface for ease of use.

has anybody experienced this??



I understand what your saying.

ive never launched via command line.  What I've done is moved one working rom into the mame rom folder in its original location to try.

what exactly do you type in the cmd line to properly launch from there?  I'm reading online how to do this but there's not a lot of direct info.

ill try this right away 



im guessing a \ after the exe followed by the rom name? I'm guessing rom name type exactly as abbreviated as said folder?

then after that if successful, should I post the ini? 


I'm slowly trying to figure out command prompt game launch.

my game (beachspi.zip) is in the default name rom folder.

as the pic shows, I have it pointed at the mame.exe

how do I launch the game now to find out the error? What do I type in after what is shown? I'm very sorry for the noob question, the GUI has always worked fine, I've never had to use command prompt in my life !!



Ok so I got it to try and launch via command line, same thing happened, but nothing showed up in the command line as far as an error.

i believe I'm doing what is asked of correctly? 

Heres a video of what it's doing. When launched in command line - no  error being reported In the command line I'll post a video of it if needed.

not too sure where to go from here, I tried chd and non chd roms both same result.

rom path in the ini is directed to the proper rom folder



Well some success

arcade64 won't launch anything in command line, but the normal name.exe will at least launch and give me errors.

now this is a backup from my failed HD and I'm thinking there may be some data missing from the transfer:

pics of the errors:






First thing you need to do is make sure that romset from a failed hard drive doesn't have any corrupted or missing file.

Why would you use command line? MAME had a gui from a while now and it will tell you what's going on.


Well I moved my whole setup as a backup then a month later the HD failed so it's technically not from a failed HD

if you see the video I posted above , using the normal UI , I couldn't get any info out f the crashes, I was instructed by Agent to do the command line way and he was right, to get the errors.

im thinking a fresh new d/l of romsets are in order from what I can see.  There is data missing 


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