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hyperlist xmls arent so accurate


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How come alot of stuff doesent scan mosh was just telling me he did a dat check on 1 of them and it picked up more games then what the xml hyperlist ones do also hypersync doesent seem to be scanning all its artwork anymore like i tried scanning snes 2d boxes and none came up so i had to grab theem manually from the site.

So i think isnt it time for new smls like 2014 ones who agrees with me on this stop worrying about new artwork make new xmls first then make new artwork following to them somehing has got to give surely i mean these xmls are back from the day when 1.0 first came out.

a word from mosh the hyperlist xmls are killing me, ive wasted so much time sorting games to find xmls are not great trying to bally astrocade

just found the 5 games i want , the xml file has no crc code so deletes the rom because it doesnt match

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I think most the XMLs are more of a best of rather than a complete set.

No, actually majority of the .XMLs, unless stated otherwise, include every commercial game playable by people who can speak English. The only games which are not included are games which are not playable because of a language barrier. The only "best of" .XML that I know of is the Commodore 64, and that's obviously because there are over 10,000+ games for it.

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I have the same problem. Without a CRC code, many of my sets take me hours just to add the games.... then I get the joys of scrounging artwork manually

what program do you use to fix it or how do you sort them can you share 1 with me

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I do mine all the hard way if there is no CRC. Get whatever XML I can find which is mostly complete then use Dons XML maker to make one for the new games I want to add. Place the games in the folder with the rest, manually merge the two XMLs together. That of course just goves me the games in my wheel, for the artwork I check FTP, EmuMovies, google etc etc, get what I can and then use a program called FatMatch to sync the artwork with the Roms.

As I said... the hard way :(

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