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Transition from old to new


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Hello everyone,

Long time reader. First time poster.

I have some time off and want to transition from my original hyperspin setup (the torrent version left over from the days of underground gamer that is incomplete and in the eyes of this community/ completely outdated) to the latest version available with all the fixins.

I use wireless Xbox 360 controllers for play and have all the game content I need/emu movies.

My questions are:

How can I do this with the minimal amount of trouble?

What are the benefits of things like hypersync, hyperpause, and the latest version of hyperspin?

How can donating and becoming a member help this transition ?

I am prepared to purchase a platinum account to expedite the process. While hyperspin is fun to tinker with I am ready to fully enjoy with minimal headache.

Thanks for reading. And thanks for any responses.

Be sure to like! Also, subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos/HyperSteve:D



I too came from the days of old using the crazy way to get this up and working. Although I have been doing this for over a year I still class myself as a noob with it all as there are just so many little things that catch you out esp when it comes to some of the Emulators.

First off... Defo, upgrade!!! You will not believe how much hard work has gone into making this system what it is and what it can do. The HyperlaunchHQ makes what should be painstaking days of code and tweaking into just a few clicks. After doing things the hard way then having this you will be counting your blessings trust me! The only hard part that I find with most of the systems is getting the Emulators to run the way I want them... thats where google and these forums come into their own!

As for the Donating member.... Defo again! First of all, all the hard work that these guys have put in to make it what it is, is worth the membership. The support that everyone puts in here for free is amazing. These people in the forums help you not due to the pay or extras they get... but due to the love of the system and knowing that the more they help the more this will thrive and blossom into something so special. Just like the first flower of spring blossoming in a field of butterflies.... hehehehe... maybe not that far... but you get my gist!

Nah, but in all honesty get the Platinum and get a membership at emumovies. Link them together with hypersync and you have everything you need. Trust me, all the moves, themes and stuff you have left will all be overwritten with new stuff looking a thousand times better. Having it may be a good starting block, but with better rez movies, themes, better artwork and the ability to get everything uptodate with just a few clicks whilst you sit back is worth it.

Thn you have the FTP.... Bonus!!! Its a goldmine for a scrounger like me hehehehe.

So there you go... Feels like Im licking ass... but to be honest I probably am. I cant rate how much these guys have helped me get this up and running..... GOOD LUCK no matter what you decide!


Austin585 said it perfectly, :top:

I would also add, don't wipe out your old setup until your new one is ready, just in case you don't want to do the work, or you change your mind.

Get the files from the downloads section, get them installed and then update them with GIT. www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?27528-HyperLaunch-GIT

Get mame working, then if your happy, donate and start downloading. It's still gonna take time but well worth the effort.

You could use your old emulators as they should be setup, but some may need tweaking here and there.

I have some video guides if you need to familiarise yourself with things, also Check out guides from ghutch and rfancella.

Have fun. :)



Thanks for the response! I really appreciate it! I will probably donate sometime today.

I have downloaded the newest version of hyperspin. Its now just a matter of moving the videos/roms/databases and folders. I just don't understand this module/new hyperlaunch/hyperpause system at all. Some emulators like actionmax don't seem to be in the emulator list. This is where things seem to fall apart for me. Pointing every emulator and rom list inside the new and improved hyperlaunch. I imagine ftp access will help alleviate the

Meaning, there are preset versions of these settings available from more experienced users?

Also, there are controller presets for xbox360 available to donating members correct?

Be sure to like! Also, subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos/HyperSteve:D


Some emulators like actionmax don't seem to be in the emulator list. This is where things seem to fall apart for me.

Wow Action Max uses Daphne Singe, and as you know, Hyperspin and it's partner software need to have everything spelt correctly. So if your in any doubt look in HyperlaunchHQ>Media>Icons, every emulator is in there and if you name your entry in HyperHQ the same, it should show up in HyperLaunchHQ.

Some emulators are included in the download already with the folders already created for you and with databases, but some you still need to setup in HyperHQ and add the Database.

What I normally do is setup the wheel in HyperHQ, then run Hypersync Cloud, set the system up in there and download the database from there. NB, not every system has a database with entries in it.



I've been at it most of the day. Setting up systems in Hyperlaunch now, having some trouble getting sega cd bin/cues to be recognized in Hyperlaunch. Everything else is falling into place slowly but surely.

The front end is all updated, purdy box art. I really think this community is fantastic.

Are there xbox360 control pads preconfigurations available gigapig?

Thanks so much for your support through this process.

Be sure to like! Also, subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos/HyperSteve:D



Not a problem.

The only ones I know of are in urbangangsta101 ftp folder. He has done control configs for Taito Type X and either Sega Model 2 or 3, but they are not xpadder profiles but specific to the emulator.

Let me know your troubles with SegaCD, do you have DAemon Tools lite setup?



Well at first it was not recognizing any roms as being found in Hyperlaunchhq. I fixed this using the HS Tools rom renamer on this site. I have not tested sega cd yet.

I was having this issue with sega model 2 where I would load dynamite cop and nothing would happen. It runs fine in the emulator outside of HS but inside of HS it does nothing but pause the preview video and hang.

I am also working on a problem with file priority for videos. How can I force HS to use mp4 instead of flv for preview videos? How can I remove the .flv file where a mp4 file is already present without going through each fold for 4 plus hours?

I need to also state that your helpfulness is awesome as well as austin. I have been scouring the forum throughout this setup and on more than one occasion you have been extremely helpful to noobs and intermediate users.

This really helps build community.

Thanks so much for your time and patience.


Be sure to like! Also, subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos/HyperSteve:D



If you using a dedicated gpu not an igc you need to jettison those flv files, they can cause minor problems.

That old torrent needs to be completely destroyed :)

Removing the flv files is pretty painless, but does require you go through each video folder. When in a video folder, at the top where it shows the contents you have "Name", "Date Modified" etc. Click the "Type" button (I'll add a pic when I get my ass out of bed) that will sort the contents of the folder, then you can just highlight all the video files with the flv extension and delete; freeing up a bunch of space as well.

And thank you for your kind words. :)

You probably already know this but just in case.




Okay removed most of the Flv files. I left them for the systems I haven't yet decided to setup up.

Now If i could only get the sega model 2 emulator to work properly with hyperlaunch. Outside it runs all roms just fine. But when launched from hyperlaunchhq using hyperlaunch, certain roms refuse to play.

Task manager says the emulator is open and hyplerlaunch is running but there is no evidence of that on scree. I have been using dynamite cop as the tester, it fails every time. I have tried other roms some work, some do the same kind of hang from hyperlaunch.

Running out of ideas here, any ideas gigapig?

Be sure to like! Also, subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos/HyperSteve:D



Now If i could only get the sega model 2 emulator to work properly with hyperlaunch. Outside it runs all roms just fine. But when launched from hyperlaunchhq using hyperlaunch, certain roms refuse to play.

Task manager says the emulator is open and hyplerlaunch is running but there is no evidence of that on scree. I have been using dynamite cop as the tester, it fails every time. I have tried other roms some work, some do the same kind of hang from hyperlaunch.

Sometimes "Auto Switch to Fullscreen" causes problems, I use bezels so mine is in a window any way. You may have to switch that off while running a game, or try the module settings in HLHQ.




It will not let me access the module in HLHQ. Says it may not be correct for this emulator. Needs me a copy of proper module. Where can I find this on the ftp?

Also, who is this bezel fella, the name appears a lot and is in hyperlaunch. I'm curious? Does he have a proper version the emulator and rom?

Be sure to like! Also, subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos/HyperSteve:D



Chuckle-nuggets. LSD guy, there are a TON of extras and options like Fade In, Fade Out, Bezel. Before you really get into things, you need to make sure you go to global/settings and turn all that stuff off. That's the stuff you test once you have your emus up and running in Hyperspin. As per weirdness with modules, you need to make sure you've set up GIT. Instructions here: https://sites.google.com/site/hyperlaunch2/home/downloads This will allow you to update your modules. Next, you have to make sure you have the right version of the emu for the module.

Bezels are cool boarders that launch around the emu screen, but you shouldn't worry about that stuff until you're up and running. Having that stuff enabled in HyperlaunchHQ will slow you down.

Reread thread for comprehension: and now, you should probably NEVER alter the module by hand. If you have, you need to use git to get the right version and replace your altered module, which is step one. What Giga was suggesting was that you alter the module settings IN HYPERLAUNCHHQ, which is easy and requires no scripting:

Click on any system that uses the emulator/module in question (this is just a little faster than going through global) while under that system, click the Modules tab, and you will see your module listed (it should be green, if it is red, it is wrong and you need to get the latest version off GIT). Select your module, and then right above the list you should see some icons. One will be "Edit System Specific Module Settings" but you probably want the one that says "Edit Global Module Settings". Click that, and you'll be able to manipulate "Fullscreen" from there, and also in your emulator itself.

Sega Model 2 is odd, but if it works outside of hyperspin, it should work inside. Again, make sure you turn off fade and bezel in the system options before testing.


It will not let me access the module in HLHQ. Says it may not be correct for this emulator. Needs me a copy of proper module. Where can I find this on the ftp?

Also, who is this bezel fella, the name appears a lot and is in hyperlaunch. I'm curious? Does he have a proper version the emulator and rom?

Follow what aletterfromthelostdays said about updating, you won't find modules on the ftp, you already have them included.

What version emulator are you running?



Okay I have setup git properly. However I receiving this error when running.

git.exe pull -v --progress "origin"

From https://code.google.com/p/hyperlaunch-3

= [up to date] master -> origin/master

Updating 105addc..9286b2d

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:


Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.


git did not exit cleanly (exit code 1) (1014 ms @ 4/14/2014 10:43:14 AM)

Be sure to like! Also, subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos/HyperSteve:D



08-11-2013, 05:17 AM

Nah, can't get that far. After putting in the correct directory and then clicking ok I get this error

git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128) (406 ms @ 8/10/2013 11:47:20 PM)

I had the same error, its because your trying to do the git clone on the existing HyperLaunch folder. Backup your old HyperLaunch folder by renaming it something like "HyperLaunch (Backup)" and create a new blank HyperLaunch folder and try again. You need to also keep the backup folder to copy into the new folder for the revert part.

Does this help?

If not, I always hate to advise this but you may have done something that isn't obvious but was wrong - like install 32 bit GIT on a 64 bit OS? If you can't fix it shortly, I'd do a full uninstall/reinstall and follow the tutorials by the letter. I've come to realize over the years that this saves a lot of time in the long run.



thanks aletterfromthelostdays,

the definitely helped, model 2 is running perfectly with only a few snags on couple of games. Now I need to redirect all of my rom paths and extensions again. But things are finally running which is nice.

by the way, is there a way to diable certain wheels within hyperlaunchhq? I was thinking of disabling systems I don't normal play/to lazy to setup at the moment.


Be sure to like! Also, subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos/HyperSteve:D



You could remove them using HyperHQ in the same way as adding a wheel, just press the - minus button instead of +.

Or make a copy of your Main Menu xml (backup) and remove the systems you don't want.



Now your up to date everything will fall into place. With the new modules almost all the hard work is done for you, unlike with the older one... I could never get my head around the ahk thingy. Much better now its done for you!

Something I did pick up on with this topic.... flv files??? this can ALL be deleted for everything? Almost all my movies etc are flv... these can be removed??

By the way, if you need anything LSD add me as a friend, im no pro but if Im online Im happy to help in chat if I can.

Good Luck!


Thanks man, I'll be sure to add you! and Gigapig! It was a two day process with a very lonely fiance but I just got to the Kraken in dynamite cop. Now its all about direct emulators and roms. I am also doing a full system back up after to my NAS! But this can be done overnight!

The movie files from emumovies that are downloaded through hypersync should be .mp4 files. These, as I understand it, are higher resolution and lower in file size. The old flv files I had for each system were downloaded from the old "Hyperspin Project Torrent-The Frontend."

The flv files will still be functional if you are using them, but gigapig warned of some minor issues with them. I removed them for every file I had both an mp4 and flv for. I still have some for systems I have not synced with hypersync because I rarely play them or they hold no nostalgic value for me.

THANKS AGAIN TO AUSIN, GIGAPIG, and THE HYPERSPIN COMMUNITY! Looking forward to hanging around!

Be sure to like! Also, subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos/HyperSteve:D



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