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Exodos collection - games to check out?


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Just finished installing exodos2.0.... looking for titles to check out??

not too into the big adventure/strategy types, looking for fun action types, multiplayer? 

Such a massive collection. Be nice to find some top 100 xml possibly 


Just a tip, rather than messing with the xml, just keep the wheels you want and use the wheels only filter. Will save you time.

If you like multiplayer over the lan games check out my lan party thread on rl forums.

Good luck.


I agree, it's just there's 5500 games in the exodos...lots to go through lol! 

Wheres your thread at the RL forums? I'd like to check that out!


Ahhh this is promising! Really cool!

so how do you go about setting this up with dosbox in RL, is there a tutorial to enable/setup multiplayer etc?

looking fwd to this, some multiplayer doom and some duke would be fun!!!



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