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Donations NOT accepted :(


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Hey Guys,

First off, thanks so much for such an awesome project and all the support that goes along with it. I am in the process of building my first MAME machine, and ever since I switched from maximus to hyperspin, life has been a lot better!

So, my question now, is how to donate?? I would like to become a platinum member but when I try to use the donate button it keeps telling me no! I tried using my Visa, then Mastercard, then American Express, and it won't seem to accept any of those. I can't use paypal because I move a lot, and because of that I don't have all the documentation that paypal requires to have my account limitations removed. If somebody could point me in the right direction I would very much appreciate it. I'm basically useless when it comes to any of the programming or anything that goes into this project, so the best I can do is make my donation to become a platinum member and enjoy the rewards that come with it!


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Ok so I have talked to about 15 different people at paypal and submitted all kinds of documents and I am finally able to pay with it! Unfortunately, now when I try to donate I get a message saying that my payment cannot be processed right now! All I want to do is give you money! Lol, if anybody out there who is in charge is the donations section of the site could get back to me on this, it would be real nice. Thanks!

EDIT: After trying about 5 more times, I got this to work..I'm a member!

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