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Hyper HQ emulatorless assistance


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Hello all.

Hopefully, for the final time, I beg assistance.

Spent the last few months setting up what I wanted on Hyperspin and finally just doing random odds and sods now where I have to design from scratch without any tutorials or packs.

I cannot see I need emulators for this last primitive batch thus no need for Rocketlauncher I think. In most cases they are one lone game and their .exe's.

I've set up wheels through HQ, im using Hyperom to create a wheel database XML even thought theyre not really roms as such. All is labelled identically.

I was following this in a romless PC game method which is working for me but elsewhere its not succeeding. I'm getting the all too familiar nothing happening in Hyperspin when you press enter on a game.

I'm not immediately seeing anything in settings ini files that say needs changing  false or true.  Seems to be the same as other  HQ only games that work fine.

Can anyone give me a quick check list of  what one should do when setting up in HQ only?

Would mention the log does say it cannot find the location of the exe's but I cannot see why it would be struggling

Many thanks





I'd strongly recommend still using RocketLauncher for it tbh. Will make life easier, especially if you ever need to make changes.

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Ok thanks. A bit to revise there. Guess I better digest those two videos in the you tube link too.

Can I get a heads up in mind before I start? Is the lone exe game going to effectively be its own emulator and rom? I trust I'm going to have to create a module? 



Still don't understand it after much mulling this over so I took the decision to add them to the PC Games folder and XML wheel. That worked.


One final project. As much as I like the new CGI pinball games about, kind of still prefer my very very old Pinmame version. Think it plays better frankly even though its not as pretty . So im trying to set that in Hyperspin  I've given up trying to figure out how to do it in RL so im just going via HQ only.

I've got it set up and Vmame opens when I select one of the many tables In the wheel but it goes no further than the vmame page.  Is there something somewhere I tweak to tell HQ to continue its journey to the table concerned in the roms folder? Yes, I had already set the roms path prior.



HyperHQ can launch MAME and PC games without the need of a module.

PC games load because they are executables.

MAME roms load because MAME uses the same command line parameters as Hyperspin   "emulator name" "rom name"

Pinball FX2 works similarly with minor tweaks because it supports command line loading similar to MAME.

You will not be able to load a Visual Pinball table with Hyperspin  unless you use Hyperlaunch or Rocketlauncher.


Many thanks.

Ok, i've not had much to do with Hyperlaunch  over the last few months but now looking at it, yes, I can see the emulator path , rom  path and give it a test angle.

That does on first look give the impression of being the answer to path direction.

However, of course, brick walls continue to block success

I get the impression I need a better, or probably more primitive AHK module as this is a very old version of Visual Pinball im trying to set up here. Pre CGI graphic years . Early 2000's I believe.  The current Visual Pinball AHK wont do the trick. Demands a Hyper Launch 2 module whatever one of those is.

You said Mame AHKs can have minor tweaking to run Pinball FX. Can I cannibalise modern day Visual pinball AHKS or others to run old VP? Can you tell me what this minor tweaking is?








wow hyperlaunch 1 no wonder you want to get rid of it.


I did not say you need to modify MAME AHks to run Pinball FX2,

I said that you can disable the use of an AHK (modules)  or the need for Rocketlauncher to load  MAME and most PC games.

All you need to do is set the execution to "Normal" instead of "Hyperlaunch"  in your HyperHQ settings.

a user figured out how to launch PInball FX2 by using this method

in order for this to work you will have to Cabinet Mode enabled for your Pinball FX2 exe.   AKA ==> enable command line loading 


and you are more than welcome to modify any Modules or other AHK files available.   Most of us use Rocketlauncher because we like to take advantage of the fact that other people do this for us.


Thank you but that seems to be a workround to getting the non rom grid system tabled Pinball FX to work. My aim is to get the rommed ageing Visual Pinball to work.

Execution set to 'normal' but we are still demanding a workable AHK. Yes the already offered visual pinball AHK module through RL would have been nice but it does not want to work with a visual pinball exe from 2003.

I have no idea how to alter or cannibalise an AHK im afraid. Can you tell me what that alteration is?




Plain and simple their is two things you can do,  make your own AHK file or upgrade.  

the people that have the ability to make an AHK script or a full module will not spend any time releasing code for  an abandoned launcher.  

They don't even make modules for Hyperlaunch2 let alone a script for Hyperlaunch 1.


Visual Pinball has taken leaps and bounds in the last few years, I tell you this as a Table Author that has released over 50 tables



and I can tell you for a FACT!!!   that Visual Pinball 9 runs on a PC from 2009.  I had a broken screen laptop I bought in 2009 in my cab for a few years.

unless you have a PC built in 2003;  I can't think of a reason to be running a Visual Pinball exe from 2003.  


But then again you wan't to use Hyperlaunch 1  you will still have no AHK or module to  launch the latest version of Visual Pinball

 I wish you luck because you are pretty much on your own.  Again their is not many people in this site that can help you.


Are all novices treated in this fashion in an assistance section  or am I a lucky one?

I have made it very clear that I don't know HOW to make or cannibalise an AHK. That is why I am here in a section labelled 'support'

I do not know what a Hyperlaunch 1, 2, 5, 10 or 100 is. I just know of a Hyperlaunch period and saw of a recent tutorial that some used it to get an  oddball system working.. I have no awareness I have just asked something that is really old school or weird and I am sorry it has caused you such offence.

I HAVE modern day Visual pinball running with its CGI tables in Hyperspin. I HAVE Pinball FX2 running. I just want my  really old Visual Pinball running as well as as pretty as the newer ones are, feel the old version was slightly more playable. I assume I will get flamed for typing that as well.

We are as far as Hyperspin launching the 2003 visual pinball screen but does not continue its journey to the rom. A game audit on RL implies I need a different AHK.  Modern day VP AHK is not good enough seemingly. That is the end of my abilities.

Can anyone else help or if I have offended all that know more than me then I shall withdraw the entire request for assistance.





I'm not offended and don't feel like I offended you in any way.

I have heard enough people in the Visual Pinball community say  " version X Plays better then anything else";  to judge or care what people play.


 I"m simply stated that very few people here have the ability to help you create an AHK script or module.

if  your post goes unanswered it wouldn't be because you are a novice,  its because very few people here possess the ability to create an AHK for you.

I would suggest you go to the Rocketlauncher forums and request a module for your exe.  But again don't be offended when nobody takes the time to create one for an exe released in 2003.






Ok, so its an unusual and big ask and I was not aware it was an unusual and big ask when I asked for help so I apologise and wont follow this angle any further.


What I would say is that my 2003 Visual Pinball , and  indeed a fruit machine emulator MFME (which does have its own AHK), are launching to the main emulator screen but not continuing the journey to the Roms selected . Seems they are both sharing the same ignorant flaw, an option missed  by me. Perhaps the flaw was not an ill fitting AHK after all.

I feel I am missing something simplistic here.










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