Retrotechy Posted June 7, 2017 Posted June 7, 2017 Hi, I'm setting up Hyperspin on a new computer at the moment but I have a bit of a problem. I want my Windows screensaver to work. Currently as long as Hyperspin is running, the screensaver won't come on, is there a way to change this?
chillinwater Posted June 8, 2017 Posted June 8, 2017 I believe you would have to make sure that the Attract_Mode is turned off in hyperhq or manual edit ...\hyperspin\settings\settings.ini to [attractmode] active=false Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
mattmotion Posted July 19, 2017 Posted July 19, 2017 I tried this (turning off attract mode) and the Windows screensaver still will not load. It will load if hyperspin is not active just fine. Any additional advice? Did you get it to work?
mrchrister Posted December 30, 2019 Posted December 30, 2019 Sorry to bump this old thread but I have the same predicament. I would like to use a Mame screen saver (Mamesaver) to launch into games when idle. I know there is "Universal Screensaver" add-on but I have HS running in a vertical cab on CRT and videos just won't look as good as launching into games. Any way to allow screensavers while HS is active?
mrchrister Posted December 30, 2019 Posted December 30, 2019 Nevermind, I just rewrote the Screensaver ahk to support this. This is heavily based on my particular setup but maybe helps someonev out there. ; Make sure mame.ini has full paths to subfolders (cfg,plugins etc) ; Press key for 1s to exit screensaver ; Define games to randomly play in list ; You need two mame.exe in same folder, one for screensaver, the other for HS #NoEnv #Persistent SetTitleMatchMode, 2 SetTimer, CheckEingabe, 1000 ; Check every second SetTimer, MameRelaunch, 20000 mame_Path=C:\groovymame\groovymame64_216.exe Time_to_start=15000 Prompts_for_mame=-sound none -inipath c:\groovymame list = ( dkong dkonghrd dkongjo1 dkong3 dkongjr frogger galaga galaga88 mspacman mspacmnf nibbler spcinv95 armwrest block bjtwin btime digdug digdug2 1941j 1942 1943 armedf batrider batsugun bbakraidja blockcar cfarm dimahoo dragnblz ddonpach ddpdojb ddpdfk feversos fiveside futari15 gaiapols garuka ghoxj gcpinbal guwange gnbarich gunbird gundhara gunsmokeua gyruss kageki kingdmgp ket krzybowl ladybug lastduel leds2011 mappy mikie mofflott macross monsterb mrdo docastle nitrobal pacman peggle pengo phoenix punchout qix radarscp invaders pinkswts piratesh psychic5 stmblade sstriker s1945 qbert sqix sengekis tail2nos vmetal vasara2 wrofaero wrestwar1 ) StringSplit, ListArray, list, `n`r Return ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CheckEingabe: If A_TimeIdle >= %Time_to_start% ; Start mame after idle Time of XX sec { If ProcessExist("groovymame64_216.exe") { } else { MameRelaunch: Process, Close, groovymame64_216.exe random, selected, 1, %ListArray0% check := ListArray%selected% Run, "%mame_Path%" %Prompts_for_mame% %check% return } } If A_TimeIdlePhysical < 100 ; Stop mame { If ProcessExist("groovymame64_216.exe") { Process, Close, groovymame64_216.exe } else { } } Return ProcessExist(Name){ Process,Exist,%Name% return Errorlevel }
gigapig Posted December 31, 2019 Posted December 31, 2019 On 12/30/2019 at 7:45 AM, mrchrister said: Sorry to bump this old thread but I have the same predicament. I would like to use a Mame screen saver (Mamesaver) to launch into games when idle. I know there is "Universal Screensaver" add-on but I have HS running in a vertical cab on CRT and videos just won't look as good as launching into games. Any way to allow screensavers while HS is active? So you have Mamesaver working? Which OS are you using. I couldn't get it to run nor the Specsoft screensaver, I even installed Maximus Arcade to use it's build-in saver but nothing. Any tips?
mrchrister Posted January 3, 2020 Posted January 3, 2020 I actually did the same thing, installed Maximus Arcade but ended up having trouble configuring it. The Spesoft one didn't work for me either, I think it's just outdated. Mamesaver worked without a hitch (Win7 64bit), configured the directories, selected some games and it worked. Hyperspin is preventing it from starting up though, that's why I wrote the ahk linked above. Just change the directories, compile it to an exe (Install Autohotkey, then just right click on the ahk -> compile) and start the exe with Hyperspin (HyperHQ -> startup/exit tab). It will wait a minute and then start the screensaver. Sometimes when it launches a game it loses focus and goes back to Hyperspin for a minute which I'm ok with, otherwise it does exactly what I want.
mrchrister Posted January 3, 2020 Posted January 3, 2020 Actually here is the latest version of the script (Copy, save in notepad and call it Screensaver.ahk) ; Make sure mame.ini has full paths to subfolders (cfg,plugins etc) ; Press key for 1s to exit screensaver ; Define games to randomly play in list ; You need two mame.exe in same folder, one for screensaver, the other for HS #NoEnv #Persistent SetTitleMatchMode, 2 SetTimer, CheckEingabe, 1000 ; Check every second mame_Path=C:\groovymame\groovymame64_216.exe Time_to_start=90000 Prompts_for_mame=-sound none -inipath c:\groovymame -homepath c:\groovymame list = ( dkong dkonghrd dkongjo1 dkong3 dkongjr frogger galaga galaga88 mspacman mspacmnf nibbler spcinv95 armwrest block bjtwin btime digdug digdug2 1941j 1942 1943 armedf batrider batsugun bbakraidja blockcar cfarm dimahoo dragnblz ddonpach ddpdojb ddpdfk feversos fiveside futari15 gaiapols garuka ghoxj gcpinbal guwange gnbarich gunbird gundhara gunsmokeua gyruss kageki kingdmgp ket krzybowl ladybug lastduel leds2011 mappy mikie mofflott macross monsterb mrdo docastle nitrobal pacman peggle pengo phoenix punchout qix radarscp invaders pinkswts piratesh psychic5 stmblade sstriker s1945 qbert sqix sengekis tail2nos vmetal vasara2 wrofaero wrestwar1 ) StringSplit, ListArray, list, `n`r Return ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CheckEingabe: If A_TimeIdle >= %Time_to_start% ; Start mame after idle Time of XX sec { If ProcessExist("mame64.exe") { } else { SetTimer, MameRelaunch, 300000 MameRelaunch: WinMinimize Process, Close, groovymame64_216.exe random, selected, 1, %ListArray0% check := ListArray%selected% Run, "%mame_Path%" %Prompts_for_mame% %check% return } } If A_TimeIdlePhysical < 100 ; Stop mame { If ProcessExist("groovymame64_216.exe") { SetTimer, MameRelaunch, off Process, Close, groovymame64_216.exe WinMaximize } else { } } Return ProcessExist(Name){ Process,Exist,%Name% return Errorlevel }
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