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The Unpopular Gaming Opinion Thread


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I'll start. I think FF7 is (and always was) the single most overrated game of all time. Even in my youth, after FF, FFIV, and FFVI I was hyped af by VII's cool ass commercials but I ended up needing three separate attempts to get through the game because every last thing about it just bored/annoyed the absolute piss outta me. The music was a massive downgrade from VI and even IV, everything was slow to the point even standard progress felt like a grind, neither the primary characters nor the supporting characters or random NPCs seemed to have the same spirit as in any other FF (save for the Turks, they were probably the only thing about the game that impressed me), and despite being on PSX the non-FMV graphics seemed worse to me than anything on NES or SNES. I didn't feel this way about VIII or IX though so I think it was more an issue of not quite knowing how to blend the on-screen styles with a 3D game yet. Oh, and both the primary protagonist -AND- the primary antagonist are pathetic bitches (they did fix this in Advent Children at least). Like... seriously.... Sephiroth's entire claim to fame is big sword, mommy issues, and walks through fire that one time. Oh... and kills Aeris despite there being no good reason they couldn't heal/revive her... Something the party ALWAYS TRIES IN OTHER GAMES BECAUSE OF COURSE THEY WOULD! It indirectly breaks the fourth wall if they don't! I mean... Sephiroth is barely bad enough to be a SUB boss in other RPGs.

Iunno. I just really hate this game for all the artistic choices they made or didn't make. I'll probably replay it on Steam for the achievements at some point but I feel like the only reason this is popular is because it was a lot of ppl's first RPG, likely owing to Square's aggressive Hollywood-esque marketing for it.




PSX RPG that deserves all the adoration FFVII gets? Fuckin' The Legend of Dragoon. I'm a big fan of FFVIII and FFIX but I still firmly believe The Legend of Dragoon is superior to both. I'd argue that it deserves being considered amongst the best in RPG history and it's better than VII in every conceivable way.




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Never played Legend of Dragoon. Damn, there were a lot good RPGs at that era.

My favorite Final Fantasy from its golden era is FF8, I loved the setting, the love story between the main characters and the space scene with that song with lyrics was godlike. One of my favorites moments in gaming. Even though the main character was a whiny bitch, overall I liked them more than other FFs. Anyway, my favorite RPG from PSone has to be Suikoden II,  one of the few RPGs that I finished twice, the second time recruiting all the characters (108).

Also. I liked FF13, it's little bit too linear but enjoyable anyway. Lots of people says that Lighting Returns is the best of the three FF13 games but I ended up hating it, having a time limit to finish the game it's an awful and very frustrating mechanic. Fuck that.



I wholeheartedly agree. I made myself beat 7 when I was recovering my knee surgeries, and it just wasn't fun. The most annoying thing about it to me was the long loading times for random battles. That gets old quick.

FFIV had some of the best music ever though, even better than FFVI in my opinion (but FFVI was awesome too). :) The overworld theme, tower of Babil, Fabul, Baron, boss fight, the music that plays down in the lower core of the moon (can't remember what it's called) was just epic. 

FFVI was the more enjoyable game, and has more replay value though.

Of the newer style FF games, IX was ok, didn't play VIII (it didn't look fun), and X was a masterpiece, and has great replay value. In fact I kinda wanna give it a playthrough in the near future. XII was fun but it has some serious flaws. I don't like games where you can permanently miss the best equipment.

My favorite PS1 game is still Castlevania: Symphony of the night. Konami had a winning formula with that game that they've just never been able to duplicate.


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