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Two emulators in one?


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2 hours ago, johnny50 said:

For Daphne I'm using rocket launcher and for mame I'm using just hyperspin.  When I get home later I'll post it. Could the fact that I'm not using rocket launcher for mame and I am with Daphne and posting a Daphne game in the mame. Xml so it's all in one wheel be the issue? 

You're using RL for one and not the other? That's weird man... no idea if that can work or not, but why do it that way?

And what is this Hyperlinks website you followed setup instructions on? Did you follow Rons tutorial on this site? There's 50 pages of question/answer in that thread if you read through it.


Here's the log:


09:19:36 PM |  HyperLaunch v2.25c
09:19:36 PM |  System Specs:
        HyperSpin Dir: C:\Users\johnm\Desktop\New folder (2)\Arcade
        OS: WIN_7
        OS Language: 0409
        OS Admin Status: No
        Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1920x1200 (1920x1160 work)
        HyperSpin Res: 1024x768
        AHK Version:
09:19:36 PM |  HyperLaunch received "Daphne" and "lair"
09:19:36 PM |  INI Keys read
09:19:36 PM |  Checking paths
09:19:36 PM |  Finished injecting functions into module
09:19:36 PM |  Module is built
09:19:36 PM |  Running module:
;Built in script
DetectHiddenWindows, ON
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SendMode, Event
0 = 2
exitEmulatorKey = Esc
emuPath = C:\Users\johnm\Desktop\New folder (2)\Arcade\Emulators\daphne\
romPath = C:\Users\johnm\Desktop\New folder (2)\Arcade\Emulators\daphne\framefile\
romPathFromIni = C:\Users\johnm\Desktop\New folder (2)\Arcade\Emulators\daphne\framefile\
romExtension = .txt
romExtensionOrig = .txt
romExtensions = txt
executable = daphne.exe
systemName = Daphne
romName = lair
daemonToolsPath = 
skipchecks = false
fadeIn = false
fadeOut = false
fadeColor = 0x000000
fadeInDuration = 500
fadeOutDuration = 500
fadeInDelay = 0
fadeInInterruptKeys = {LControl}{RControl}{LAlt}{RAlt}{LShift}{RShift}{LWin}{RWin}{AppsKey}{F1}{F2}{F3}{F4}{F5}{F6}{F7}{F8}{F9}{F10}{F11}{F12}{Left}{Right}{Up}{Down}{Home}{End}{PgUp}{PgDn}{Del}{Ins}{BS}{Capslock}{Numlock}{PrintScreen}{Pause}
gameStartImgPath = C:\Users\johnm\Desktop\New folder (2)\Arcade\Media\Daphne\Images\GameStart\
moduleExtensionPath = C:\Users\johnm\Desktop\New folder (2)\Arcade\Modules\Module Extensions\
7zEnable = false
7zExtractDir = C:\Users\NEVEND~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Hyperspin\
7zExtractDirOrig = 
7zDelTemp = true
7zFormats = .zip,.rar,.7z,.gzip,.tar
7zFormatsNoP = zip,rar,7z,gzip,tar
mgEnabled = false
mgKey = NumpadSub
mgSelectKey = Enter
mgExitKey = Esc
multiGameImgPath = C:\Users\johnm\Desktop\New folder (2)\Arcade\Media\Daphne\Images\MultiGame\
mgBackgroundColor = FF000000
mgSidePadding = 0.2
mgYOffset = 500
mgImageAdjust = 1
mgFont = Arial
mgText1Options = x10p y30p w80p Centre cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 Bold Italic
mgText1Text = Please select a game
mgText2Options = w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center Bold Italic
mgText2Offset = 70
mgUseSound = true
mgSoundfreq = 300
mgExitEffect = none
mgSelectedEffect = rotate
mgUseGameArt = false
mgArtworkDir = Artwork1
Hotkey, Esc, CloseProcess
;Module script
MEmu = "Daphne"
MEmuV = "v1.0.12"
MURL = ["http://www.daphne-emu.com/"]
MAuthor = ["djvj"]
MVersion = "2.0.9"
MCRC = "2A9E6F4"
iCRC = "10C3932C"
MID = "635038268879753802"
MSystem = ["Daphne","LaserDisc","MAME"]
; Notes:
; Executable should be Daphne.exe NOT Daphneloader.exe
; You need the module's ini from GIT, remove the (Example) from the filename. It has settings for each game so they work properly.
; If you want to define custom controls for each game, follow this process:
; 1) Manually run DaphneLoader.exe
; 2) Select each game you want to configure and click the Configure button. Select the Input tab and define your controls and hit OK and repeat for each game.
; 3) Create a folder in your emu directory called "controls" and copy your current dapinput.ini into it. This will be your default controls used for all games that a custom one was not created.
; 4) Launch each game you defined controls for through DaphneLoader. DaphneLoader will set your custom controls in the dapinput.ini. Now exit the game.
; 5) After each game you launch, copy the dapinput.ini into the controls folder and name it after the rom name you use in your xml: Example: lair.ini
; First time users, please follow the guide found @ http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2161-complete-guide-for-daphne-in-hyperspin-and-RL/page-1
	settingsFile = modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
globalParams = IniReadCheck(settingsFile,"settings","globalParams","vldp -blank_searches -prefer_samples -noissues -fastboot",,1)
fullscreen = IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
screenWidth = IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "ScreenWidth",A_ScreenWidth,,1)
screenHeight = IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "ScreenHeight",A_ScreenHeight,,1)
pauseOnExit = IniReadCheck(settingsFile,"settings","pauseOnExit","false",,1)
hwAccel = IniReadCheck(settingsFile,"settings","hwAccel","true",,1)
keepAspect = IniReadCheck(settingsFile,"settings" . "|" . romName,"KeepAspect","true",,1)
min_seek_delay = IniReadCheck(settingsFile,romName,"min_seek_delay",A_Space,,1)
seek_frames_per_ms = IniReadCheck(settingsFile,romName,"seek_frames_per_ms",A_Space,,1)
homedir = IniReadCheck(settingsFile,romName,"homedir",".",,1)
bank0 = IniReadCheck(settingsFile,romName,"bank0",A_Space,,1)
bank1 = IniReadCheck(settingsFile,romName,"bank1",A_Space,,1)
bank2 = IniReadCheck(settingsFile,romName,"bank2",A_Space,,1)
bank3 = IniReadCheck(settingsFile,romName,"bank3",A_Space,,1)
sound_buffer = IniReadCheck(settingsFile,romName,"sound_buffer",A_Space,,1)
params = IniReadCheck(settingsFile,romName,"params",A_Space,,1)
version = IniReadCheck(settingsFile,romName,"version",romName,,1)
	frameFile = %romName% ; storing parent romName to send as the framefile name so we don't send wrong name when using an alternate version of a game
fullscreen = If fullscreen = "true" ? " -fullscreen" : ""
	If (keepAspect = "false")
    params .= " -ignore_aspect_ratio"
	If bezelPath    ; this variable is only filled if bezel is enabled and a valid bezel image is found
{    screenWidth = " -x " . Round(bezelScreenWidth)  ;bezelScreenWidth variable is defined on the BezelStart function and it gives the desired width that your game screen should have while using this bezel 
    screenHeight = " -y " . Round(bezelScreenHeight) ;idem above
} Else {
    screenWidth = " -x " . screenWidth
    screenHeight = " -y " . screenHeight
	min_seek_delay = If min_seek_delay ? " -min_seek_delay " . min_seek_delay : ""
seek_frames_per_ms = If seek_frames_per_ms ? " -seek_frames_per_ms " . seek_frames_per_ms : ""
homedir = If homedir ? " -homedir " . homedir : ""
bank0 = If bank0 ? " -bank 0 " . bank0 : ""
bank1 = If bank1 ? " -bank 1 " . bank1 : ""
bank2 = If bank2 ? " -bank 2 " . bank2 : ""
bank3 = If bank3 ? " -bank 3 " . bank3 : ""
sound_buffer = If sound_buffer ? " -sound_buffer " . sound_buffer : ""
hwAccel = If hwAccel = "true" ? " -opengl" : " -nohwaccel"
params = globalParams . " " . params
	hideEmuObj = Object("ahk_class SDL_app",1)    ; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)
	; If you have alternate controls for a specific game, this will overwrite the current dapinput.ini with your custom one
romControlIni = emuPath . "\controls\" . romName . ".ini"
defaultControlIni = emuPath . "\controls\dapinput.ini"
daphneControlIni = emuPath . "\dapinput.ini"
If FileExist(romControlIni) {    ; if a romName control ini exists
    Log("Module - Found a romName input ini and will overwrite the existing dapinput.ini: " . romControlIni)
    FileCopy, %romControlIni%, %daphneControlIni%, 1    ; copy rom dapinput, overwriting working one
} Else If FileExist(defaultControlIni) {    ; if a default control ini exists
    Log("Module - No romName input ini found, overwriting the current dapinput.ini with a default one: " . defaultControlIni)
    FileCopy, %defaultControlIni%, %daphneControlIni%, 1    ; copy default dapinput, overwriting working one in case a rom one was set from previous launch
} Else
    Log("Module - No romName or default inis found, leaving the current dapinput.ini alone")
	; If launched game is an alternate version of a parent, this will send the alternate's name to daphne.
romName = %version%
	HideEmuStart()    ; This fully ensures windows are completely hidden even faster than winwait
	; This allows us to send variables, that when empty, are not sent to the Run command
; msgbox % executable . A_Space . romName . A_Space . params . fullscreen . screenWidth . screenHeight . min_seek_delay . seek_frames_per_ms . homedir . bank0 . bank1 . bank2 . bank3 . sound_buffer . " -framefile """ . romPath . "\" . frameFile . romExtension . """"
Run(executable . A_Space . romName . A_Space . params . hwAccel . fullscreen . screenWidth . screenHeight . min_seek_delay . seek_frames_per_ms . homedir . bank0 . bank1 . bank2 . bank3 . sound_buffer . " -framefile """ . romPath . "\" . frameFile . romExtension . """", emuPath)
	WinWait("ahk_class SDL_app")
WinWaitActive("ahk_class SDL_app")
Process("WaitClose", executable)
    Send, {P}
    Winrestore, AHK_class %EmulatorClass%
    Send, {P}
    If pauseOnExit = true
    {    Send, {P}
        Sleep, 100
    WinClose("ahk_class SDL_app")
Suspend, On
	7z(7zP, 7zN, 7zE, 7zExtractDir){
	7zCleanUp() {
IfNotExist, %file%
If msg
ScriptError(msg, timeout)
ScriptError("Cannot find " . file, timeout) 
Return %file%
09:19:37 PM |  Module ended, exiting HyperLaunch normally



I found the issue. It was a wrong path to rocket launcher in the rocket launcher in file. Thanks for all the help everyone. 


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