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Question about "portability" and random start-up screens?


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Hey all,

My searches came up null, so pardon my stupid questions...


1) I do not yet have my cab built, but I have been tinkering with Hyperspin for quite a while on my personal PC.

Question being, are Hyperspin installs able to be dragged over to a new hard drive without any hiccups? Maybe drive letters would have to be re-configured, but other than that...?


2) I'd like to have a folder full of console start-up videos load BEFORE the Hyperspin intro video. For example, I may see the PS1 on a reboot, and the next would be... Genesis, then Dreamcast, etc. 

Is there anything already in the wild that makes this possible? 

OR... I guess randomized intros would be an alternative.


Thanks in advance, and thanks in general to the entire community for all that you do.



1. Hyperspin or Rocketaluncher  does not install anything,  The Hyperspin and Rocektaluncher folder can be dragged and dropped from 1 Hard drive to another.

with that being said the anwser to your quetion is NO!!!!

the problem is not with Hyperspin or Rocektlauncher , its with the dependencies.

if you do not have flash, Net Frame,  DirectX, your preferred controller drivers........ ect installed on the PC you are are connecting your fully configured  Hyperspin drive.  HS ,RL or the emulators on your portable setup may not work.


2. you can, if I remember correctly someone posted a " Play randome intro video"  script in the 3rd party aps section of the forum.


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