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Themes - les Artworks - Perte de qualité




Je me demandais comment conserver la qualité des png créés avec Photoshop pour faire les Artworks (boitiers DVD 2D ou 3D) dans les themes.

Hyperspin à tendance à légèrement agrandir la taille par rapport à ce qui est affiché sur l'écran dans Photoshop et avec une perte de qualité....

J'ai entendu qu'en convertissant en flash, il n'y  a pas de perte de qualité.

Quelq'un a déjà essayé? ne peut-on preserver la qualité en png?


Merci ,


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12 answers to this question

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Yes Using flash and the smooth option can help.

Dark13 has some Flash scripts out there that make it very easy to use. Just run and choose a folder containing png files.

Some scripts convert from 16:9 to 4:3 and Smooth others just smooth and convert to swf.

You can edit the scripts via text editor if you want to adjust the conversion scales/ratios.


        // get item        
        var bmp_lib = doc.library.items[imported];
        bmp_lib.compressionType = "lossless";        
                bmp_lib.allowSmoothing = true;
        var bmp_tl = fl.getDocumentDOM().getTimeline().layers[0].frames[0].elements[0];
// Scale from 1080p to 1024*768 and apply 16:9 ratio correction (Can change these values .53 = 53% etc) 
                bmp_tl.scaleX = 0.53333 ;
                bmp_tl.scaleY = 0.7111 ;
                bmp_tl.x = 0 ;
                bmp_tl.y = 0 ;


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Yes it does png

Confirmed that it works pretty well..

I just changed my values to still widescreen convert but at a 50% size. 

                bmp_tl.scaleX = 0.26666 ; 
                bmp_tl.scaleY = 0.3555 ;
                bmp_tl.x = 0 ;
                bmp_tl.y = 0 ;

Video preview shows the 50% size version in the SNES Wheel.


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This the kind of theme that I'd like todo in16:9.


This is the original PSD file linked. Qulaity is much better.

007 - Nightfire (France).psd007 - Nightfire (France).psd

This is the png that I got resized from the PSD for the Artwork 3 (3D box) 007 - Nightfire (France).psd007 -


I see that there are more and more swf files for artworks. I've heard that quality is better than a png file.

What is a simple way with Adobe Illustrator to convert png artwroks in swf artowrks to save quality of those artworks?

Thanks and regards, 

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Hello Bungles, 


Thanks for the answer.

I tested something very interesting...No resizing of the picture (except 16:9) and quality stay good.

I think I have to find another way to reduce the size of the 3D boxes artworks than Photoshop to keep quality...


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Hi Bungles,

Fizen gave me a flash script that upscaled quality in 1080p and resize in 16:9 in one and it works like a charm.

swf has definitly better quality than png...


Now, I will do all the themes I've dreamed of...:nyam1:

Best regards,   

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Merci beaucoup, 


j'ai vu mais comme je suis tatillon, en faisant les jaquettes 3D, j'ai vu des défauts dans les couleurs (normal, JSInn a déjà fait les effets et a eu l'amabilité de m'envoyer les originaux en PSD). j'ai corrigé les défauts et fait mes propres jaquettes.

je ferai pareil pour les thèmes que pou la wheel:rofl:


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