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EPSXE problems


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Im trying to set up EPSXE emulator so i can play playstation games and i just dont get it, i go to the emulator set-up and get darkman d3d optimized driver, the playstation games work fine in the emulator outside of hyperspin and i can play the game. Then i go in hyperspin to play an game, it loads fine and then i get "there was an error waiting for the window espxe_ahk.class make sure you have the right module......"

When i go to the emulator utside of hyperspin again and try to play a game i get an error message and have to run the setup and choose darkman 3d3 optimized again. I have no idea what to do to correct this and where to go to get info, it's really frustrating and it's not the only emulator that is giving me problems either but more about that in another post.

I just want my hyperspin to work before i put it in the cabinet


So i decided to use Retroarch instead, tried to configure it and right before i try to start a game directly in Retroarch i get a runtime error and retroarch shuts down. I tried installing directX 9 and thats impossible on windows 10 and iv'e tried a million other things which does not work either, iv'e wasted like a whole day on getting this to work and it just doesn't, maybe i should just settle with running mame on the cabinet, i feel like tossing the computer out the window


it do kinda bug me that i paid good money for hyperspin and then having a bunch of emulators not working for me.


Wow.... relax! First of all, Hyperspin is free!!!

Secondly, there is nobody getting paid here to help people. For the most part its just fellow users who answer to help others out. This may take some time for a user to read it and say "yeah that happened to me and I know how you can fix it".

Hyperspin is easily THE hardest to set up so if you have little patience maybe you should go try mGalaxy or something.

Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk


Being that im an platinum member i did pay, im not too bad with computers and iv'e played emulators before and do get my troublesome systems to work outside of Hyperspin. I just hate i wasted a whole day trying to get playstation and dreamcast to work and got a billion errors. Not getting an attitude, just venting cause im pissed lol :D 

Being that im an platinum member i did pay, im not too bad with computers and iv'e played emulators before and do get my troublesome systems to work outside of Hyperspin. I just hate i wasted a whole day trying to get playstation and dreamcast to work and got a billion errors. Not getting an attitude, just venting cause im pissed lol [emoji3] 
Ok i get it. I will do mu best to help ok. Runtime errors could be Visual Basic or C++

You have both these updated?

Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk

Ok i get it. I will do mu best to help ok. Runtime errors could be Visual Basic or C++

You have both these updated?

Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk

Also, for a lot of systems you need to "edit global module settings" in RL to tell it exactly what settings to use (despite whatever settings you made in the emulator itself. RL generally uses command line to interface with emulators so it doesnt know what settings you made.

It will be easier to help when i get home and can take some sceen shots.

Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk


Thanks, sorry if i came of the wrong way at first. One of the problems i came across when i tried to install the visual basic is that when i click on it it just flashes by and i cant install it. Im in the process of updating c++, im going to try vb again after this is done


I did get to install visual basic but retroarch still gives me a runtime error, this is when trying to play playstation str8 from it


Full disclosure: I am not a big PS1 fan and I use PSXFin for my setup. It only runs D3D (I am pretty sure OpenGL is preferred in most cases). 

All my HS uses individual emulators. I did start a RetroFE setup with RetroArch but... I dunno, I just don't like RetroArch! lol

If it won't play directly in RA, then it surely wont work in RL/HS either.

You said directly in epsxe works so that would be a good place to start. By default, RL uses petes opengl plugin so if you want to use D3D then edit the module settings here:



It works, i totally overlooked setting up the stuff in your screenshot, im so relieved. Thank you, u really saved me, i would not have figured this out. Im very thankful.To anyone who read this thread, let it be a lesson. Have more patience than me, don't come across as an jerk (as i probably did even though that was not my intention). Now i can configure the other systems i could not get to work. Shame i had to waste a whole day on getting this far lol :D



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