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After Hypersinc, hyperspin does not work anymore!!!!


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my hyperspin was configured for a single emulator (MAME), and worked perfect, i used hypersync download some game themes and now appears the wheel with all emulators if i enter in mame nothing shows, if i configure to single emulator in hyperhq stays the same all emulators nothing working, does anyone knows what could this be?

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ok well have you changed global emulators example.ini to global emulators which is in hyper launch setings if not rename that then try this click on mame set your rom location then choose mame after that click on emulators tab and you will see a list of emulators after that double click on mame emulator in the list then set the module after that go to games tab and click on the play icon taht will bring up all your games you have or all games click on a game press rocket to test also make sure you turn on 7zip support for mame go to settings switch it to true.

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thanks for answering

everything was working perfect, i tested and can run the games in hyperlaunch, this means not a problem with folders, the problem is in hyperspin - hyperhq, hyperhq i have mode single with mame, why after hypersync appears all the emulators in the wheel when it continues as single mode, and if i choose mame it does not get in games list, i really do not know what is happening, i have seen all inis and nothing have changed, at least what i have modified.

by the way: if i download games themes i do not need to download games wheels and artworks right, i presume everything is inside the theme right? was the only thing i have done download some themes for first time and problem happened

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no i already confirmed mame.xml is there untouchable, i have the new install files, i used hyperspin in the past on another cabinet, i made another cabinet yesterday and started tweaking the new hyperspin, as always i started with single mode mame to confirm if was everything worknig and it was, i tested new tool after buying premium access hypersync, i download themes and now nothing, i think i will do a fresh install, but what worries me is if in the future when i sync same problem happens, and them will be a p..n in the a..s to configure all emulators.

note: regarding the themes am i right?

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i found the log and something is incorrect

01:01:29 PM | HyperSpin Started

01:01:29 PM | Going windowed mode

01:01:29 PM | Checking for updates

01:01:29 PM | Update Check Complete

01:01:29 PM | Startup program unavailable

01:01:29 PM | Playing intro video

01:01:31 PM | Error intializing joysticks

01:01:31 PM | Menu Mode is multi

01:01:32 PM | Loading Main Menu.xml

01:01:32 PM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded

01:01:32 PM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully

01:01:44 PM | Exit program unavailable

01:01:44 PM | Quiting Hyperspin

01:01:44 PM | Bye!

01:01:31 PM | Menu Mode is multi if i enter in hyperhq it continues single maybe its not saving, i will see what should i change in the main ini

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shouldent be that way you sure you picked it to go to your main hyperspin folder and also download to yoru media folder ok if theres something wrong with the themes and if your sure of that try download a random one on the actual downloads section and see if it works then if it still doesent report it to baddolv cause hes the one that does the sorting now for hypersync i have no control over it all i do is list what items are in there-

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i found out the problem but makes no sense, option to filter roms only on, nothing appears, when i have all roms, but if i remove it i see and play the games.

thanks anyway for your help, at least, now i know what ini should see, if some kind of problems arrives

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i found out the problem but makes no sense, option to filter roms only on, nothing appears, when i have all roms, but if i remove it i see and play the games.

thanks anyway for your help, at least, now i know what ini should see, if some kind of problems arrives


If you have "Roms Only" checked, you must fill in the Rom path and the extension. If you want to use Don's Hypertools for whatever reason, you will need the path to the emulator filled in also, as far as I'm aware.


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