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How to set BIOS path in MAME?


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Hi there,

I've got a set up using Rocketlauncher and Hyperspin and it's all working fine.

I've copied the set up to another drive and so have been updating several emulators so that they run on the new drive (rom paths etc) and also have updated the HyperHQ wheel settings etc.

All is well apart from  MAME.

When I try and launch games from Rocketlauncher on MAME - some will run fine but others just show the black "Initializing" screen and then drop out of MAME back to Rocketlauncher.

Looking at the rocketlauncher.log it looks like it's trying to find my MAME bios files in the MAME/roms folder but I don't have any BIOS files in there. I'm guessing this is my issue as some games run and others don't ?? (for instance - Simpsons runs fine but Tapper doesn't ??)

I'm not sure why this would change as I've only changed the drive that the folders are on but wondered if this could be the cause of my problem and (if so) does anyone know how to change the BIOS path for MAME ?

A big thank you for any help you can give me.


Thanks thcdgaf,

I'll do that as soon as I'm home from work.

What is that zip file? And why would I need it when all I've done is move all the folders from one drive to another?

Thanks for all your help, it's appreciated :)

6 hours ago, thcdgaf said:

Try looking for midssio.zip place in folder where your roms are let me know if it works or not


I tried midssio but to no avail but I managed to sort it although I'm not sure what the issue is. I'll detail it here in case it helps someone else sort a similar problem...

What I did was open a cmd prompt and ran the game from there as per the Rocketlauncher log ("T:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe"  tappera -rompath "T:\HyperSpin_ROMS\MAME;T:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\roms" -nowindow -nohlsl_enable -nogl_glsl -video d3d -artwork_crop -nouse_bezels -use_overlays -use_backdrops -nouse_cpanels -nouse_marquees -nofilter -skip_gameinfo)

It said that files were missing from "tappera" (the game Tapper).

I tried to open the zip file to check but the system said it was corrupt?? It was also a bigger size than my backup file (this was 154Kb as oppose to the other file being 68Kb???). So I replace the file then ran the command again...

This time I had less missing files but still had a few and the text mentioned looking in "tapper" as well as "tappera"....

So... I looked in the tapper zip file (which was only on my backup folder and NOT in my ROMs folder) and it had the missing files in there so I dropped it in the ROMs folder and now everything works?!??!

However, all this *used* to work so has something changed with what files MAME requires from certain game zips or something??

Thanks :)


I tried midssio but to no avail but I managed to sort it although I'm not sure what the issue is. I'll detail it here in case it helps someone else sort a similar problem...
What I did was open a cmd prompt and ran the game from there as per the Rocketlauncher log ("T:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe"  tappera -rompath "T:\HyperSpin_ROMS\MAME;T:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\roms" -nowindow -nohlsl_enable -nogl_glsl -video d3d -artwork_crop -nouse_bezels -use_overlays -use_backdrops -nouse_cpanels -nouse_marquees -nofilter -skip_gameinfo)
It said that files were missing from "tappera" (the game Tapper).
I tried to open the zip file to check but the system said it was corrupt?? It was also a bigger size than my backup file (this was 154Kb as oppose to the other file being 68Kb???). So I replace the file then ran the command again...
This time I had less missing files but still had a few and the text mentioned looking in "tapper" as well as "tappera"....
So... I looked in the tapper zip file (which was only on my backup folder and NOT in my ROMs folder) and it had the missing files in there so I dropped it in the ROMs folder and now everything works?!??!
However, all this *used* to work so has something changed with what files MAME requires from certain game zips or something??
Thanks [emoji4]
Nice to know but depends which Mame you using cli to verify roms give you an list of stuff missing use command -verifyroms in command prompt as admin as well commands found here https://docs.mamedev.org/commandline/commandline-all.html

Sent from my H710VL using Tapatalk


I did a 'verify' and got this info although I'm not really sure what it means??.....

romset 1292apvs is best available
romset 1392apvs [1292apvs] is best available
romset a2600 is best available
romset a2600p [a2600] is best available
romset advsnha [arcadia] is best available
romset apexc is best available
romset arcadia is best available
romset bndarc [arcadia] is best available
romset breakout is best available
romset copera is best available
romset cpc464p is best available
romset cpc6128p is best available
romset cx3000tc [vc4000] is best available
romset database is best available
romset dendy [nes] is best available
romset dynavisn [intmpt03] is best available
romset ekusera [intmpt03] is best available
romset elf2 is best available
romset f1392 [1292apvs] is best available
romset famicom [nes] is best available
romset fforce2 [1292apvs] is best available
gamekin3    : gameking3 (524288 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset gamekin3 is best available
romset gchinatv [nes] is best available
romset genesis is best available
romset gx4000 is best available
romset h21 is best available
romset hanihac [arcadia] is best available
romset hmg1292 [1292apvs] is best available
romset hmg1392 [1292apvs] is best available
romset hmg2650 [arcadia] is best available
romset intervsn [ormatu] is best available
romset intmpt03 is best available
romset itmcmtp3 [intmpt03] is best available
romset ixl2000 [arcadia] is best available
romset krvnjvtv is best available
romset leonardo [arcadia] is best available
romset lnsy1392 [1292apvs] is best available
romset lvision [arcadia] is best available
mac2bios    : macs2os_l.bin (524288 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
mac2bios    : macs2os_h.bin (524288 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset mac2bios is best available
romset megadrij [genesis] is best available
romset megadriv [genesis] is best available
romset megaduck is best available
romset mpt05 is best available
romset mpu1000 [1292apvs] is best available
romset mpu2000 [1292apvs] is best available
romset mratlus [plldium] is best available
romset myvision is best available
romset nes is best available
romset nespal [nes] is best available
romset oc2000 [krvnjvtv] is best available
romset orbituvi is best available
romset ormatu is best available
romset pasogo is best available
pc8401a     : pc8401a.bin (98304 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
pc8401a     : pc8441a.bin (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
pc8401a     : sed1330.bin (1472 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset pc8401a is best available
romset pce is best available
romset pdp1 is best available
romset pico is best available
romset picoj [pico] is best available
romset picou [pico] is best available
romset plldium is best available
romset pockchal is best available
romset polyvcg [plldium] is best available
romset pongd is best available
romset pongf is best available
romset poppympt [intmpt03] is best available
romset pp1292 [1292apvs] is best available
romset pp1392 [1292apvs] is best available
romset prestmpt [intmpt03] is best available
romset pv1000 is best available
romset rowtrn2k [intmpt03] is best available
romset rwtrntcs is best available
sarpc       : 1203,191-01.bin (2097152 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
sarpc       : 1203,192-01.bin (2097152 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset sarpc [rpc600] is best available
romset sawatte is best available
romset sc3000 is best available
romset sc3000h [sc3000] is best available
romset sg1000 is best available
romset sg1000m2 [sg1000] is best available
romset sg1000m3 [sms] is best available
romset sgx [pce] is best available
romset sheenhvc [ormatu] is best available
romset soundic [intmpt03] is best available
romset spc4000 [vc4000] is best available
romset ssem is best available
romset supracan is best available
romset sv8000 is best available
romset svision is best available
romset svisionn [svision] is best available
romset svisionp [svision] is best available
romset svisions [svision] is best available
romset tbbympt3 [intmpt03] is best available
romset tccosmos [arcadia] is best available
romset telefevr [arcadia] is best available
romset telngtcs [rwtrntcs] is best available
romset tempestm [intmpt03] is best available
test410     : rom_41x.bin (512 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset test410 is best available
romset tg16 [pce] is best available
ti99_224    : 992rom.bin (24576 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset ti99_224 is best available
ti99_232    : 992rom32.bin (32768 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset ti99_232 [ti99_224] is best available
tmc2000e    : 1 (2048 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
tmc2000e    : 2 (2048 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
tmc2000e    : 3 (2048 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
tmc2000e    : 4 (2048 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset tmc2000e is best available
romset trakcvg [plldium] is best available
romset tryomvgc [intmpt03] is best available
romset tunixha [arcadia] is best available
romset tvc4000 [vc4000] is best available
romset tvg2000 [arcadia] is best available
romset tvlinkp [svision] is best available
romset tx0_64kw is best available
romset tx0_8kw [tx0_64kw] is best available
romset uzebox is best available
romset vboy is best available
romset vc4000 is best available
romset vc6000 [1292apvs] is best available
romset vdmaster [orbituvi] is best available
vic10       : 6703.u4 (256 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset vic10 is best available
romset vmdtbase [database] is best available
vz200de     : vtechv11.u09 (8192 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
vz200de     : vtechv11.u10 (8192 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset vz200de [laser200] is best available
romset wscolor [wswan] is best available
romset wswan is best available
abc80kb     : 053.z5 (1024 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset abc80kb is best available
adam_ide    : exp.rom (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset adam_ide is best available
3c505       : 3000_3c505_010728-00.bin (8192 bytes) - NOT FOUND BUT OPTIONAL
romset 3c505 is best available
kb_pc83     : 8048.u1 (1024 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset kb_pc83 is best available
hd63484     : hd63484.bin (256 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset hd63484 is best available
plus4_sid   : gal16v8 (256 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset plus4_sid is best available
coco_fdc    : disk10.rom (8192 bytes) - NOT FOUND BUT OPTIONAL
romset coco_fdc is best available
coco_fdc_v11: disk11.rom (8192 bytes) - NOT FOUND BUT OPTIONAL
romset coco_fdc_v11 is best available
i80130      : 80130 (16384 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset i80130 is best available
dragon_fdc  : ddos10.rom (8192 bytes) - NOT FOUND BUT OPTIONAL
romset dragon_fdc is best available
sdtandy_fdc : sdtandy.rom (8192 bytes) - NOT FOUND BUT OPTIONAL
romset sdtandy_fdc is best available
aprikb      : keyboard controller upd7507c.ic2 (2048 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset aprikb is best available
kc_d004     : d004v20.bin (8192 bytes) - NOT FOUND BUT OPTIONAL
romset kc_d004 is best available
mm65k16s    : 82s100.6c (65536 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
mm65k16s    : pal14l4.6d (16 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
mm65k16s    : pal16l2.16d (16 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset mm65k16s is best available
sed1330     : sed1330.bin (1472 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset sed1330 is best available
mb90082     : mb90082_char.bin (2048 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset mb90082 is best available
tandy2kb    : keyboard.m1 (1024 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset tandy2kb is best available
trs80m2kb   : 65-1991.z4 (1024 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset trs80m2kb is best available
v1050kb     : 20-08049-410.z5 (2048 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
v1050kb     : 22-02716-074.z8 (2048 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset v1050kb is best available
wangpc_tig  : 377-3072.l26 (256 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
wangpc_tig  : 377-3073.l16 (256 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset wangpc_tig is best available
sa1403d     : i (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
sa1403d     : ii (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
sa1403d     : iii (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
sa1403d     : iv (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
sa1403d     : i (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
sa1403d     : ii (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
sa1403d     : iii (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
sa1403d     : iv (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
sa1403d     : i (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
sa1403d     : ii (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
sa1403d     : iii (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
sa1403d     : iv (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset sa1403d is best available
138 romsets found, 138 were OK.

Thanks :)

I tried midssio but to no avail but I managed to sort it although I'm not sure what the issue is. I'll detail it here in case it helps someone else sort a similar problem...
What I did was open a cmd prompt and ran the game from there as per the Rocketlauncher log ("T:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe"  tappera -rompath "T:\HyperSpin_ROMS\MAME;T:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\roms" -nowindow -nohlsl_enable -nogl_glsl -video d3d -artwork_crop -nouse_bezels -use_overlays -use_backdrops -nouse_cpanels -nouse_marquees -nofilter -skip_gameinfo)
It said that files were missing from "tappera" (the game Tapper).
I tried to open the zip file to check but the system said it was corrupt?? It was also a bigger size than my backup file (this was 154Kb as oppose to the other file being 68Kb???). So I replace the file then ran the command again...
This time I had less missing files but still had a few and the text mentioned looking in "tapper" as well as "tappera"....
So... I looked in the tapper zip file (which was only on my backup folder and NOT in my ROMs folder) and it had the missing files in there so I dropped it in the ROMs folder and now everything works?!??!
However, all this *used* to work so has something changed with what files MAME requires from certain game zips or something??
Thanks [emoji4]
This is normal behaviour for a "split" rom set. Tappera is a clone of Tapper so it will not run unless Tapper is in the rom folder as well (or you move the needed files like you did).

Sounds like you use a "roms only" filter. I used this as well at first as it seemed to make the most sense. However, now I find it better to keep the full set and disable games I don't want to show in the wheel via the xml database. That way I can disable Puckman and Pacman will still load/run because the Puckman file is still there.

Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk


** Edit ... it's okay. I've found a brilliant tool called Hypermint made by Horsey - 


Hi Spawk

Yes, I do use the "roms only filter" as I only have about 40 games and didn't want to have to keep manually editing the database.xml everytime I changed a few around.

Is there an easy way of editing the database then to keep it synched with what roms are in your actual folder? Or do you edit your xml by hand every time you change a game?

Thanks :)


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