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WHen launching rocketlauncherUI stays minimized


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so suddenly if i launch rocketlauncherUI i get nothing but it lauches cause the screen flashes and if i ALT tab i see its minimized but i cant fo the life of me get it to open to the gui??


Do you have multiple screens or have you ever had it hooked up to multiple screens?  RLUI retains screen coordinates so if you have ever opened it on another screen, even if it is no longer there, it will still open on the second screen.  If you hold ALT then hit tab then let go of tab while still holding alt you should see everything open.  If you can  see the UI doing this it means it is open, running and chances are is off screen.


no just one monitor. only thing i have done is moved my build to diff drive but i have updated the paths as i did . . It launches then styays hidden off screen i guess you can say its like minimized.... I can ALT tab and view is smaller box but its open in the backround...


6 hours ago, Bungles said:

If it is off screen as adamg advised, you can press the Win Key + Left/Right to bring her back to your main display.

IT DOES STAY OFF SCREEN BUT WILL NOT  COME BACK IN FOCUS OR ON TOP . i even tried the windows left right and any other options i can think of but ill lookl at the setting again i even copied a fresh config file



You could try Windows + Up to restore/maximise, not sure if you tried that combo.


If you go into RocketLauncher\RocketLauncherUI\Settings and open RocketLauncherUI.ini.

Whats you Window_Coordinates= set as in the [UI_Settings] group?

If its numbers that would be outside your resolution maybe just delete them and leave as blank? 



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