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Setup eXoDOS.bat needed


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Hi, looking for the "Setup eXoDOS.bat". I hope someone can help me? Deleted them and now missing to setup. Maybe anyone can send me the Folder with the created .conf Files or the Setup eXoDOS.bat via. FTP? Thanks in advance!


Thanks, but It`s not working for me. Put this in Dos games folder and script blobs up but nothing more. My roms all in zip format from eXoDOS1.7 version. Is there a way to get the !dos folder with all the config Files in it? Thanks again!

Thank you anyway. How big is it? Maybe you could put this to Ftp server? That would be super nice.

Got it work! :)

 Need`s a folder called "util"with unzip.exe & util.zip in it for setup exodos.bat. Found this files in the web.



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