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Hi everyone. I'm brand new here. I am 52 years old, so I have played MOST of these games. Thousands. I started with the Oddessy system in 1974 or 1975, then PONG, then Atari 2600, and the rest is history. I'm currently enjoying Red Dead Redemption 2 on Xbox One, but I play Robotron 2084 equally as much.

I am not a dumb guy, but I do get frustrated by "setup" scenarios and intricate .ini files and the like. As soon as I see a .doc or readme file that's more than three lines, I melt down. I just really want to play all these games. I am very interested in the ARCADE set, as well as all Atari, Mattel Intellivision, the Commodore 64/128, any BASIC language PC games, and many others, but I was hoping for an all in one solution.

Can anyone help me with an all in one solution or an EASY (or the easiest) way to get going?

I really appreciate it.

ThanX everyone!


Hello, Well I am also new over here and one thing which I find common is that I also like to play a game. Usually, I used to play an RPG video game. Are you looking to have a game that can be easily playable on the PC?


Welcome to the forum. If reading documentation is frustrating, perhaps try Youtube videos instead. Ninja2bceen's videos are often suggested viewing (https://www.youtube.com/user/mjustin9).

Hyperspin (and Rocketlauncher) can be daunting at first. The first baby step is to get comfortable with the emulators that run the games, Retroarch should be your first port of call. It can do everything you are asking for. Once you've sussed one system you should be comfortable moving on to the next core/system, rather than having to learn a brand new emulator program.

We can't link you to the games and any "all in one packs" of Hyperspin to download are generally frowned upon. You won't know how it's setup and when you need help (which is pretty much guaranteed), nobody here will know how it's been configured either. It makes helping "noobs" quite frustrating when they choose to go that route.

Take it in baby steps from scratch and you'll find plenty of people willing to help you along! All the best with your project :)

"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."


Hey mate,


Im a newbie at this myself, and baby steps pay off, its easy to jump feet first in but its easy to get bogged down where ya dont have to be.

As for your all in 1 solution, I can DEFINITELY recommend MAME for doing as much as ya can. I spent hours farting around with atari 5200 emulators, mame does a much better job and is easier to set up.

I cant stress how important youtube tutorials are. @Avar and @ninja2bceen have some AMAZING vids and I would be totally lost with out them. I was so impressed with the level of detail ninja2bceen put into his I backed him on patreon because people need supporting who put into the community. (Im not sure if Avar has a patreon)

A great place to start click the link below.


Best of luck mate,

Jumping in feet first.
Lets do this!


Hi rob2e, I'm new here as well but I recognize you from the Fantasy Grounds forums :D. There is a set of videos for setup. Some of the info is deprecated but I found it very helpful. Here is the link to the first one then just watch the rest! Happy Gaming!



OK guys, I followed the video and I have HyperSpin and RocketLauncher installed, now I just need to find some game.  lol


So what's next?

14 hours ago, M8harry said:

Hey mate,


Im a newbie at this myself, and baby steps pay off, its easy to jump feet first in but its easy to get bogged down where ya dont have to be.

As for your all in 1 solution, I can DEFINITELY recommend MAME for doing as much as ya can. I spent hours farting around with atari 5200 emulators, mame does a much better job and is easier to set up.

I cant stress how important youtube tutorials are. @Avar and @ninja2bceen have some AMAZING vids and I would be totally lost with out them. I was so impressed with the level of detail ninja2bceen put into his I backed him on patreon because people need supporting who put into the community. (Im not sure if Avar has a patreon)

A great place to start click the link below.


Best of luck mate,

thanks for the shout out and support man!

7 hours ago, rob2e said:

OK guys, I followed the video and I have HyperSpin and RocketLauncher installed, now I just need to find some game.  lol


So what's next?

You're trying to run before you can walk! 

I already told you the first baby step, learn how to use RetroArch. Get the games playing first, then worry about showing them off and launching them through Hyperspin. 

Avoid Arcade/Mame to begin with, it can be quite complicated as there are different Rom sets. Start with something easier like the Atari 2600/5200/7800

"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."

18 hours ago, rob2e said:

OK guys, I followed the video and I have HyperSpin and RocketLauncher installed, now I just need to find some game.  lol


So what's next?

In my opinion, watch some videos on setting up mame or an emulator you want to use. Get your head around it all and how it all interacts. That helps you fix problems later.

Jumping in feet first.
Lets do this!


Hey rob2E, glad you were able to follow those vids. I would also watch this gents vids (

Planet Geekdom AKA ninja2bseen I believe?) and start here. I'll be watching the other vids when I am done with these. Can't get enough! 

I'm about 3/4 of the way threw them (there are a lot! Bless you man!) and he covers pretty much everything. I gave him a Subscribe and liked all the vids so far because he goes so into great depth. Luckily this seems like a fantastic community so it is possible to get this all going, thanks all!


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