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Sega Genesis Hypersync


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I'm new to hypersync and have recently achieved some flashy media which I really love on my cabinet.  Some of my games in Sega Genesis wheel haven't received the videos or the proper title on the wheel. I imagine that some of the roms I have don't work with the mp4's etc.  I doubt I can rename my existing roms to match,  Ive had a quick look at hyperlist and Dons tools which are already in my hyperspin folder.  Is there a tutorial or does anyone have a suggestion for me to achieve this.. Some of the games I'm missing media for are Ghouls n Ghosts, Ristar amongst others.   I only have 20 roms or so that  I use.



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The database xml files that can be downloaded from the Hyperlist section of the website are often old and obsolete. Use the search feature of the website, enable the "more search options" and choose "content type= files" and "categories= databases (xml)". Look for the official thread for the system you want (e.g Sega Genesis....https://hyperspin-fe.com/search/?&q=sega genesis official xml&type=downloads_file&nodes=136&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy)

The media you have already downloaded should match that official database xml file's contents. Open the xml file (with notepad++ etc.) and compare your game files to these entries. You can rename your game files, they must quite literally match EXACTLY to what is in the xml under "game name". If your games match but the artwork doesn't, it's the media that needs to be renamed.

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