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    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.

New Hyperspin user. Updated Database added every game


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I recently tried to add 1 game to my MAME wheel.  So i watched a video on how to update my database.  There was a rom in the MAME folder that wasn't showing on my wheel.  After updating it added 35,116 games! @#$%

It did add the one i wanted but that's ridiculous.  Multiplies of every game. So what happened and how to i go back to the normal mame games list of around 2,600? 


Maybe just add the one game to your existing database, a good text editor is all you need.  Sounds like wherever you got your new database from it's not filtered.


I've checked parents only and Roms i have only. All the duplicate games are still there.  I don't have any experience with HS or  RL so not sure why updating the database added thousands.  Can i fix this easily?  The filters aren't working so i need to limit the database

On 9/16/2019 at 9:22 PM, RandyMackDaddy said:

I've checked parents only and Roms i have only. All the duplicate games are still there.  I don't have any experience with HS or  RL so not sure why updating the database added thousands.  Can i fix this easily?  The filters aren't working so i need to limit the database

Clearly this is a bought or downloaded drive... or in the very least, you did not set it up or you would have realized what you were overwriting. Your database may have been painstakingly dwindled down to 2600 games by hand! Assuming you don't have the original xml backed up you do still have options.

The fact you claim the filter is not working is troublesome to start with... are your databases in HS folder? They should be and not made in RL!

Also, I would select only one filter... how many roms do you actually have? Full set (35k)?  Selecting "roms only" will then display all games since you have all. Selecting "parents only" will only show 1 of each game. Selecting "wheels only" will only show games that actually have a wheel image in HS folder.

So as you can see, how you filter is dependent on these options. If you chose "roms only" you can go into your rom folder and start deleting roms you don't want to show on wheel... not the best idea IMO as it's much better to keep a full set and be able to add anything at a later time. "Wheels only" is a slightly better option as you can just delete wheel images instead of actual roms. The one caveat to this is that if you have to re-sync the wheels for any reason it will basically undo your filter. "Parents only" is a good starting point for a lot of people as it will only show 1 of each game. It's not always the version you want though! Like Puck-Man is actually the parent of Pac-Man. In this case, HS gets parent/clone info from the XML not mame itself so we can just find the version of pacman we do want to show and simply remove "puckman" from in between the <cloneof> tags:


This will now show Pacman on the wheel. To remove Puckman from the wheel, simply find the entry for it and put "pacman" (or anything really) between the <cloneof> tags.

In ANY of these scenarios, if you select a filter at all, you must add the extension and rompath to HQ like this:


Notice that you do NOT set the Executable here! All launching is done with RL, info here is just used for populating the wheel.

Seperate from any of these choices, you can open the xml (with a freeware program called notepad++ I would suggest) and you can see how the data for each game is displayed. You can just start removing games by deleting between opening <game...> tag and closing </game> tags... again I can't recommend this option but many do do it. A safer way to do it so games could be added back later would be to add an enabled="0" code like this:


Changing the Zero to One "enable="1" (default value) will re-enable the game.


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