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Sling 2?


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Keep receiving this message in HyperSync when I attempt to access individual system settings: Sling 2. "there was an error connecting to HyperBase, please try again later"....What should I do now?

Is it as simple as trying again later?

I also am getting an error loading news on main HyperSync page says that I am unable to connect to remote server.

Please any advice would be appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was able to connect tonite! I'm updating as we speak. Thank the admins, development team and community for all of their hard work putting together all the artworks. Hyperspin has always been my frontend for years. and going Platinum this past week was well worth it after all these years. Thanks Again!

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  • 2 months later...

same here... followed all the forum advice.  removed INI file out of the roaming profile. (Unifi USG Pro gateway--no asus router) blew out the Hyperspin directory. reinstalled everything... CAN log in to HS and EMU... i can log into EMU successfully through Hypersync still nada on hyperskin authentication.. HALP. i assume that you cannot look at the individual system settings inside of hypersync without successfully logging into hyperspin??? i cannot view anything to sync it just has all systems. i saw a tutorial on this and all games were showing up with successful log ins... 


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  • 7 months later...


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