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AAE doesn't open/launch


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I decided today to add AAE to my hyperspin & rocketlauncher on a windows 10 PC I have everything setup (DB,themes,wheels,video,where the roms & emulator are located).

But when I click on aae.exe nothing happens. I thought it was a compatibility issue but have tried setting the compatibility from windows sp, 95, 7 and none of them work the exe file still doesn't open/launch.   

what else can I try?

Additional info: AAE emulator from 2008-12-13

Thanks in advance


IMO AAE is no longer needed. Mame can run these games pretty well now although it does take a little fiddling. You'll want to enable HLSL and use a "vector.ini" so mame applies it to all vector games. This video may help:



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