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help with RPCS3 - hyperspin won't 'hide' after rom runs


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Hello Gang, 

i can get Rocketlauncher to to Launch my PS3 backups but I am having a little bit of a challenge through HS.  Hope someone can lend their expertise:

my setup is that i am Launching RPCS3 via PC launcher

https://pastebin.com/KycetWrg (pclauncher.ahk details)

from there i create a bat file within the Rpcs3 folder for each game that links to the eboot/bin file of that game
example: to run Outrun, i have a .bat file with the following code:

rpcs3.exe "E:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Sony Playstation 3\rpcs3-v0.0.16-12375-2169e8d9_win64\dev_hdd0\game\NPEB00073\USRDIR\EBOO T.BIN

(As a note: i tested this BAT file by clicking on the .bat file, it loads up Rpcs3 and then launches the game full screen...all good so far)

once i create the bat, then i go into rocketlauncher, i specify each Rom to run the .bat file for its respective game ( i do this under the module tab, i go to Edit Global Module settings, i add the specific rom and direct the application to the bat file

i created the a FS.AHK file that will allow the program to full screen, named it FS.AHK and saved it to the RPCS3 root folder

Now, when i go to launch it is rocketlauncher, it opens the fade in, then shows the bat file running via the exe window. It then opens Rpcs3 and launches the game (while putting the bat file window and the Ppcs3 windows in the background behind the game) and the game launches fine in fullscreen


if i run the game through Hyperspin, hyperspin does not minimize. SO i have the game running fullscreen BEHIND Hyperspin. 

Not sure if this is Hypersin setting, an RPCS3 setting or a a module/ahk setting

here is the ahk for Rpcs3


kinda stumped on how to get the emulator to run in front of Hyperspin

Anyone have any thoughts on this?


That's not really the "proper" way to launch. Is there a reason why you are not using the rcps3 module and following the notes?


The PC launcher module usually requires you to set an "appwait.exe" so it knows what window the actual game is... and/or possibly a "fade title" if the emulator has more than 1 window.

The rcps3 module states that "Qt5QWindowIcon" is the "primaryWindowClassName" so you could try that here:



Thank you for the info Spawk,

i setup a folder called 'PS3 links, i right clicked the eboot.bin file in the USRDIR and named it NPEB00073

i then put that link in the folder and added the folder path in the rom location settings

*i also made sure to remove my game specific setting under the module tab for the application path and post launch path

tried to run in RL and it says: "have not setup NPEB00073 in RLUI yet, so PCLauncher doesnt know what exe, fad title and SteamID to watch"

( i will revisit trying to get them to work this way if you have any other clues i can follow


Thing to keep in mind is that (even though it is a very long and tedious way to get the eboots to work, it still launches them fine , fullscreen, in RL.


I also went in and typed Qt5QWindowIcon in the fade Title screen

That worked! , launched through HS fine, fullscreen..for about 30 seconds then i got a pop up saying " There was an error waiting for the window Qt5QWindowIcon, please check if you have the correct version emulator installed, followed any notes in the module, and have this emulator working outside your front end first. Also turn off Fade to see if you are hiding your problem


maybe it has something to appwait, happen to be able to provide any more details on how i would go about setting up appwait.exe? (or on anything else i mentioned above)? I look forward to hearing back 



I hope you are not renaming the actual eboot.bin's, and only renaming the shortcuts (.LNK) you created from them. You can also use real game names, not the sony codes.

I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work through the PC launcher module as well though. The waiting for Qt5QWindowIcon message leads me to think it may have been changed in a newer version of the emulator. There are a few ways you can find out the windowclass name. I use a freeware program called WinLister 1.22. Just run a game through the emulator and alt-tab to WinLister to see the name.

3 hours ago, megananthony said:

tried to run in RL and it says: "have not setup NPEB00073 in RLUI yet, so PCLauncher doesnt know what exe, fad title and SteamID to watch"


Also, this first method should use the rcps3 module, not the pc launcher module.


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