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2 Playstation issues - Wheel with multiple game listings / Single CD games wont run


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Someone please help... as I know I have a setting wrong or something. My other wheels are fine. I'm running ePSXe ...

And I have 2 funky problems that I'm ripping my hair out over.

Problem 1. The games with multiple CD, Isos, bin files... whatever you want to call them load and launch fine. No problem. Any games that I have that are single CD games with only one file .. won't launch at all from hyperspin.

Problem 2. I have multiple listings for every single bin file that I have for each game listed on my wheel. Star Wars Masters of Teras Kasi has 17 !!! When I go in to HQ and select either parent or one of the other choices... it consolidates ... but then it won't launch.

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.. and I'm sure its something simple that I'm overlooking. Can someone who's more versed.... please help !!!

Thank you !!!


Someone please help... as I know I have a setting wrong or something. My other wheels are fine. I'm running ePSXe ...

And I have 2 funky problems that I'm ripping my hair out over.

Problem 1. The games with multiple CD, Isos, bin files... whatever you want to call them load and launch fine. No problem. Any games that I have that are single CD games with only one file .. won't launch at all from hyperspin.

Problem 2. I have multiple listings for every single bin file that I have for each game listed on my wheel. Star Wars Masters of Teras Kasi has 17 !!! When I go in to HQ and select either parent or one of the other choices... it consolidates ... but then it won't launch.

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.. and I'm sure its something simple that I'm overlooking. Can someone who's more versed.... please help !!!

Thank you !!!


Hi Lojac and welcome to the forums!!

Where did you get your database file from? Did you generate it yourself or did you get it from HyperList?



Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

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And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!    :beerglass:


Hi Ron and thank you! I'm a little newbie-ish when it comes to some of the terminology ... so please bare with me. That database file... ? Is that the XML file in the database folders ? If that's the correct one you're speaking of ... I believe I generated that from the Hyperrom2XML program. I definitely did not get anything from Hyperlist.

Hi Ron and thank you! I'm a little newbie-ish when it comes to some of the terminology ... so please bare with me. That database file... ? Is that the XML file in the database folders ? If that's the correct one you're speaking of ... I believe I generated that from the Hyperrom2XML program. I definitely did not get anything from Hyperlist.


Exactly, yes, the xml in your Database folder.

That is why you have multiple listings for each disc image. If your games are named right, use the database file in HyperList. If not, it is a pain to rename any CD/DVD bases rom set. I would use HyperTools to generate your xml. Just be mindful of the extensions used when renaming. If all your roms are bin/cue, be sure you only have cue listed. If they are a mix of bin/cue and iso, that might be the issue. Please post a screen shot of your directory where your roms are. That's a start.



Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them.  :good:

And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!    :beerglass:

Thanks again Ron... this is MORE than helpful !!! I will definitely get HyperTools. Here's a screen shot... [ATTACH=CONFIG]42871[/ATTACH]


Looks like you need to just use the cue extension in your list generation.

Hope that helps.



Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them.  :good:

And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!    :beerglass:


judging from your pictures you are better of renaming your cue files. Everything else can stay the same.

1. downloaded a PSX art pack.

2. copy (from the art pack) and past a matching "Game tittle" to your CUE file.


3. Hyperlaunch will look for your Game Tittle.CUE file, mount it on a virtual drrive and load your game.

if you decide to keep your current Game tittles, you will have to rename your matching wheels, videos, CD scans and boxes.

you either rename:

(#of games you have) CUE files

or rename

(#of games you have)wheels + (#of games you have)videos + (#of games you have)CD scans + (#of games you have)boxes.

and I'm not counting any of the hyperlaunch Media you might wan't to add

keeping your custom names will make you rename X4 more files.


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