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Question about Hyperspin roms information (year, manufacture, etc)


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As far as I know it's impossible to change the location of hyperspin rom's info but it is possibile to hide it.

The question is: is there a third party software capable of overlaying text on hyperspin while browsing games?

I'm preparing a 16:9 htpc layout and making infos as layers would be a pain especially on mame (a .png each rom)... so, it is possible to read it from .xml and select where to place lines?

This is a quick test sketch, basically in this case i would like infos on the right panel



E pur si muove

I tought it was impossible :P But there seems to be a problem: in mame's .xml is listed "TEXT1"= rom's title and "TEXT2"= year AND manufacture. Is this done trought an .xml's line that specify which information is linke to text1 and text2? If so I guess it's possible to add a text3...


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